**ATTENTION**On November 10th, Steven and I will have been together a year!! I am very proud to be with Steven and I always will. He's such a sweetheart, and I love him very much!

I don't know what to say about Steven and myself. I've told a lot on the page I made about him. I suppose you might like to see pictures of Steven and myself? I have some... I'll scan some to put on here.

Let's see, what else. Friday, Septemeber 10th was Steven and my 10 month anniversary. It was awesome! We both did something for each other. Both were surprises but he knew that I was going to do something. My best friend Silver helped me with the idea for his gift. It was rather creative! Here's what happend:

On Friday night I went to the football game and hung out with the band as I usually do. When the game had like 6 mintues left I walked up to Steven's car. When I got there I unlocked the doors and found a dozen roses, Chris Gaines' (Garth Brooks)new single "Lost In You" & a card. Well, I saw them, but I didn't mess with them because I had work to do! I had made (along with the help of me best friend Silver!) post it notes that said the reasons why I love Steven, some sweet & some funny but all true! A long with the post its I made some signs on my computer and used those as well. Anyway, I spent about 10 - 15 minutes arranging the post its and signs on his car. When he got out there he saw them and he just smiled. Not the reaction I had hoped for but it worked. I kind of thought that he would have smiled, said something to the effect of, "Oh Dear, this is very sweet/cute! I love it! Thank you!" He did say thank you for it, but he wasn't real enthused. Oh Well.

I suppose you want to know what Steven got me for our wonderful anniversary... Well, since he is leaving next year he got me a promise ring. It's realy pretty. It have five small rubies with diamond accents. It's hollow and says 'I Love You' on the sides. I am not real big on reactions but I belive that my Steven knows that I really love the ring.

Well, I have some pictures. They might not be a very good quality though...

This pitcure was taken at Water Works Park. That day it was Silver, Steven and myself. It was really fun!

This is our picture from Prom '99! It was totally awesome! I had a blast.

This picture is from the Winter Wonderland Dance. That was the first Dance Steven and I went to together. It was the night of our first kiss, too!

This is another Prom picture. I love this picture. The pose is so sweet!

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