L8 - 02/21/99 17:32:39 My Email:L8E@yesbox.net Location: Sweden Current Favorite Song: Ölürüm sana Best Friend's Name: ICQ ;-) Favorite Toy: Tarik ;-) Favorite Cartoon Character: The seagull in the movie "The Little Mermaid" | Comments: Hej, gumman! Hoppas du mår bra! :-) /L8 |
Lotta - 11/20/98 20:01:42 My URL:/SouthBeach/Pointe/3571 My Email:cha66@hotmail.com Location: Sweden Current Favorite Song: Freak me, baby (by Another Level) Best Friend's Name: My computer Favorite Toy: Tarik Favorite Cartoon Character: Bamse | Comments: Hej, Tilda! Hur är läget? Det är nog ganska bra för jag hörde hur du och mamma sprang omkring och lekte däruppe! :-) Ha det så bra, gumman! *kramizar* /L8 |
K Corbett - 10/29/98 08:30:40 My Email:rkcorbett@ria.net Location: Colorado, USA Current Favorite Song: How Great Thou Art Best Friend's Name: my mom Favorite Toy: computer Favorite Cartoon Character: The Peanuts Gang | Comments: Sweet little child, may The Lord God bless you & your family throughout your life. I will pray for you, your family, your doctors & nurses, & for His will to be the same as yours. My own mom is a cancer survivor of 6 years with no reoccurances. The disease is a bad thing, but always look for the silver lining, though it may be dim. My mom's cancer brought us, as a family, closer & made us all stronger in so many ways. My best to you & yours always. kc |
Mats Lundgren - 10/15/98 19:56:05 My URL:http://www.zpenzer.com My Email:mats@zpenzer.com Location: Malmoe Current Favorite Song: Calcutta Favorite Toy: Computer | Comments: |
Lisa Foster - 10/07/98 00:07:32 Location: North Bay, Canada Current Favorite Song: I don't want to miss a thing by AeroSmith Best Friend's Name: Pamela Favorite Toy: Stuffed TeddyBear named Scruffy Favorite Cartoon Character: Peppy LaPhew | Comments: Hi Matilda just checking on you to see how you are doing. According to the pictures you are getting to be a big girl. Take care darling. |
Lotta - 09/25/98 20:43:18 My Email:cha66@hotmail.com Location: Sweden Current Favorite Song: Åh, din tok (Hasse Andersson) Best Friend's Name: Salman Rushdie Favorite Toy: Tarik Favorite Cartoon Character: BAMSE!!!!! | Comments: Hej, gumman! Hoppas du mår bra! :-)) |
Amanda & Mathilda - 09/23/98 22:20:04 My URL:http://w1.270.telia.com/~u27003161/~u27003161/ My Email:amanda_mathilda@hotmail.com Location: Söderhamn Current Favorite Song: Hallå sången med Bananer i Pyamas Best Friend's Name: Jesper, Ida, Simon och Peter Favorite Toy: Alla små och stora hästar Favorite Cartoon Character: My Litle Pony | Comments: Hejsan! Åhh..vad du är söt! Våran mamma blev sittandes länge för att läsa om dig. Vi gillade bilderna bäst, fastän vi inte förstod vad det var för ställning du hade på dig. Men mamma förklarade *det är ju det man har dom till*. Stoooora kramar till dig från oss!! |
André och Edvin - 09/21/98 16:49:07 My URL:http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-19053 My Email:tingvall@mailbox.swipnet.se Location: Ramnäs Current Favorite Song: Prästens lilla kråka Favorite Cartoon Character: Pingu | Comments: Hej! Tack för hälsningen i gästboken! Här var det en hel del att läsa! |
demas - 09/10/98 00:23:55 My URL:www.fly.to/demas My Email:soldiaz@hotmail.com Location: Kristianstad | Comments: Glad att allt är bra (relatift). Kram Demas |
Kjelle - 09/08/98 21:12:15 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/8770/ | Comments: |
Robban - 09/08/98 16:34:49 My URL:http://welcome.to/robbans_homepage My Email:Robert_swe@hotmail.xom Location: Jönköping sweden Current Favorite Song: Dr bombay with calcutta Best Friend's Name: Anders Favorite Toy: Min dator Favorite Cartoon Character: Kalle Anka | Comments: Bra sida ! |
Padraic O'Brien - 09/08/98 14:26:09 My Email:MatureMan2@hotmail.com Location: USA Current Favorite Song: Anything C&W Best Friend's Name: Jim Favorite Toy: Vette Favorite Cartoon Character: RoadRunner | Comments: Glad to see all is going well....hang in there kiddo!! |
jonas - 09/06/98 15:02:04 My Email:jonas.nirfalk@skd.se Location: malmö Current Favorite Song: There’s a tear in my beer – The The Best Friend's Name: Jenny Favorite Toy: macen Favorite Cartoon Character: Ylva | Comments: Tja Matilda, fin sida mamma har gjort till dig. snart får vi träffas. Farbror Jonas (kusinerna hälsar oxå |
Jonas Persson - 08/31/98 06:47:00 My URL:http://jopent.ceratina.se/pages/eMpTyheadS My Email:jope@im.se Location: Tyringe, Sweden Current Favorite Song: Snakedrive - Eric Clapton Best Friend's Name: Nicola Woodford Favorite Toy: My Guitar Favorite Cartoon Character: Calvin (in Calvin & Hobbes) | Comments: Hi sweetie! Hope you are feeling good. I am. Take care! |
Pappa (daddy) - 08/29/98 16:49:54 My URL:http://www.zpenzer.com My Email:magnus@zpenzer.com Location: At your home Current Favorite Song: Intergalactic (beastie boys) Best Friend's Name: Matilda Favorite Toy: My guitar Favorite Cartoon Character: Calvin | Comments: Let your happy smiling face continue to warm my heart for ever. |
Alex - 08/29/98 13:12:44 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nd/Noodlez/index.html My Email:noodlez@ididitmyway.com Location: Stockholm, Sweden Current Favorite Song: Losing my Religion, REM Best Friend's Name: My Pen and my Notepad Favorite Toy: Three-headed Monkeys Favorite Cartoon Character: Calvin of course :) | Comments: Greetings little one :)...I´m happy to hear you´re better :) ..maybe one day you can play around with my nephew ;)..I think he´s about your age..turned one year about two weeks ago ...take care LittleLady |
Lotta - 08/29/98 08:03:11 My Email:cha66@hotmail.com Location: Malmö, Sweden Current Favorite Song: The Boy Is Mine Best Friend's Name: ICQ! ;-) Favorite Toy: Tarik Favorite Cartoon Character: Goofy | Comments: Hej, Tilda! Hur må's det gumman? Hoppas allt är bra! :-) |
Lisa Foster - 05/23/98 17:19:02 Location: NorthBay, Ontario Canada Current Favorite Song: Truly, Madly, Deeply Best Friend's Name: Pamela Favorite Toy: Stuffed TeddyBear Favorite Cartoon Character: Pepe LaPhew | Comments: Hi Matilda I hope you are doing well. I haven't heard much about you lately - my prayers are with you and your parents. Love Lisa |
Juls - 05/17/98 19:19:47 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Lounge/1832 Location: US Current Favorite Song: sex and candy Best Friend's Name: ...............too many | Comments: Hello |
Veronica Persson - 03/22/98 20:04:04 My Email:veronica.persson@kristianstad.mail.telia.com Location: Glimåkra Favorite Toy: computer Favorite Cartoon Character: Tom&Jerry | Comments: Tyvärr har vår dator varit trasig så jag har inte kunnat kolla på hemsidan förrän nu. Men jag har tänkt på er ofta. MÅNGA VARMA KRAMAR FRÅN FAM VERONICA PERSSON |
Zam - 01/19/98 19:28:53 My Email:zam.s@usa.net Location: Malmö Current Favorite Song: To the moon and back Best Friend's Name: Matilda Favorite Cartoon Character: Musse Pigg | Comments: Hoppas att du blir bra snart!!! |
Maria Contreras - 01/11/98 11:56:59 My Email:FF028@mdx.ac.uk Location: London Current Favorite Song: Tellytubies! Best Friend's Name: Auntie Frances Favorite Toy: My Teddy bear, Buster Favorite Cartoon Character: Winnie the Pooh | Comments: I hope that you are well. The pictures of you have given us so much joy to look at today. You are a gorgeous baby! All the best, Love Maria and Frances. |
Christine Fong - 01/09/98 13:45:41 My Email:wsfong@bigfoot.com Location: Hong Kong Current Favorite Song: many, many......... Favorite Toy: My PC and my dog Favorite Cartoon Character: Hello Kitty | Comments: Matilda, I do hope you will get well as soon as possible! |
Pat O'Brien - 12/29/97 17:43:34 My Email:MatureMan2@hotmail.com Location: Chicago Current Favorite Song: Stairway to Heaven Best Friend's Name: George Favorite Toy: Computer Favorite Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny | Comments: For a special lassie...hope you grow and grow and reach the ripe age of 100!!! |
Mikael Donnér - 12/26/97 16:05:39 My Email:Domica@swipnet.se Current Favorite Song: the town ilove so well Best Friend's Name: carina Favorite Toy: sailing boat Favorite Cartoon Character: larson | Comments: Hej matilda ! detta är din doktor som hälsar på ! Bästa hälsningar Mikael D |
Veronica Persson - 12/25/97 21:23:41 Location: Glimåkra | Comments: Jag tänker på er! |
Czar HeliX - 12/21/97 18:01:07 My URL:http://www.space4less.com My Email:czarhelix@hotmail.com Location: St. Petersburg, Flordia Current Favorite Song: Deadweight by Beck Best Friend's Name: Me, Myself and I Favorite Toy: Pentium 2 233mhz and a T-1! Favorite Cartoon Character: anything by Keith Haring | Comments: To the daughter: Greetings! Good luck little girl. You have all of us at Rockweb behind you. You have a great mother and i know she will do anything to help you thru this. To Whirlwind: It is I again, my dear Rockweb friend, and the thoughts that I send are taking steps to reach your heart, any moment you feel alone, we can fill up your empty parts, dont delay, come and chatwith us today. |
Jonas Persson - 12/19/97 14:40:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/8961 My Email:jope@im.se Location: Hässleholm, Sweden Current Favorite Song: Now you're gone - Myself Best Friend's Name: Gillis Favorite Toy: My guitar Favorite Cartoon Character: Calvin (Calvin & Hobbes) | Comments: keep fighting, little friend. You're in my prayers every day. Love you and get well, will ya! Your uncle, Jonas |
Michael rankin - 12/17/97 07:44:00 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prarie/4495 My Email:iscream1@juno.com Location: Richmond, IN USA Current Favorite Song: Folsum Prison by Johnny Cash Best Friend's Name: Debbie Rankin Favorite Toy: Computer and stereo Favorite Cartoon Character: El Kabong | Comments: Matilda, Nice page! You're a cutie!! I had to check on you. I've been concerned. Make sure mommy keeps me posted. I wish you a "Great" first Christmas. I know mommy and daddy will celebrate with you grandly(and Santa too. You are a very special little girl. Try to smile a little for them. I know it's hard right now but it will get easier. They love you a lot. I want you to know my wife and I are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. I bet you can't wait to get home to be on mommy's lap and pl y on the computer with her. Take Care. Don't forget to tell mommy and daddy I said "Merry Christmas" to them. Bye Matilda, Michael aka Ragtag |
Martijn Wissink (Mawi) - 12/16/97 19:52:11 My URL:http://www.algonet.se/~wissink My Email:wissink@algonet.se Location: Stockholm, Sweden Current Favorite Song: Time after Time - Cindy Lauper Best Friend's Name: Dennis van Amerongen Favorite Toy: My Nintendo 64 Favorite Cartoon Character: Pink Panther | Comments: Hi Matilda! That's a nice place on the net you've got there! So young and already you have you're own page, I see you taking over Microsoft someday when you're older! :o) I hope to meet you someday, before you become famous. Well, I wish you, your mum and dad a merry christmas and a very happy new year. Also I wish you all the best in the new year, so that you can grow up to be a fine strong young lady, ready to take over Microsoft. Puss & kram from your friend Martijn. |
Audrey & Yarden - 12/15/97 13:30:20 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~littledolphin/index.html My Email:audreyw@netvision.net.il Location: Israel Current Favorite Song: Songs from Jungle Book Best Friend's Name: my mommy... Favorite Toy: my sister Naomi Favorite Cartoon Character: Pooh bear! | Comments: Dear Matilda, Yarden and I wish you all the best. Yarden too is fighting cancer. We wish he had more regular experiences but life is not always like we want it to be - and there's so much to learn. We are learning a lot. How to look up at the blue sky and see the clouds and feel the sun and hope for many more beautiful days like today. Get well please and hug your mommy. Love, Audrey |
HANS - 12/13/97 22:33:15 My Email:N/A Location: Höör Current Favorite Song: We will be strong (Thin Lizzy/Chinatown ) Best Friend's Name: N/A Favorite Toy: N/A Favorite Cartoon Character: N/A | Comments: Krya på dig! (be strong! |
Teenah (your Mummy) - 12/12/97 20:05:50 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/teenahs/ My Email:magnus@spenser.pp.se Location: Malmö, Sweden Current Favorite Song: Angel of Mine by Eternal Best Friend's Name: Sven C. & John F. Favorite Toy: You and Daddy & the comp Favorite Cartoon Character: Blinky Bill and Tom & Jerry | Comments: I luv ya heaps baby, and as stubborn and strong as I know you are I'm sure you'll beat this cancer in no time. You've got God, us (your parents) and the doctors at your side! I love you Chubby Cheeks! ~*~Teenah~*~ |
Yngve - 12/12/97 19:49:04 My Email:du vet Location: nord Best Friend's Name: Per Erik Favorite Toy: Anne Lill Favorite Cartoon Character: Meg selv | Comments: Håper du blir bra snart så din mamma blir litt blidere. |