"There is no such thing as strangers, only friends we have not met."
- Anonymous
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Welcome to my home

Hi, I'm The Big Brick.

"All other men are specialists, but his specialism is omniscience."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

You are now in my guest room. My house is very intresting. All my room-mates are each specialized in their own fields and I am helping them unpack all their wonderful things. If you want to see something specific just email me and I will try to find it as soon as possible:)

My front door has been opened times. Everyone is welcome to drop by.

Go to one of the rooms in my house.
Sir Quotesalot's Proverbial Closet
Read colections of quotes and proverbs
The Tiny Teleporter's Transporter Room
Transport yourself to dimesions of Scifi and Fantasy
The Faceless Warrior's Gallery of Honor
Learn the Way of the Warrior
The Music Sisters' Music Studio
Listen to various pieces music
Joe Mindstong's Living Room
Take a look at life
Pictora's Art Gallery
Look at wonderful art
including backgrounds, icons, etc..
Mr. Jim Armstrong's Gym
Improve your fitness
Trojan Warrior's Secret tunnel
Take his secret tunnel to
Hilfied Strathallan Colloge.
"A comfortable house is a great source of happiness.
It ranks immediately after health and a good conscience."

- Sydney Smith

Visit my friends

Jawa, the starwars fan
Dave, My Champions Friend

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