Hello all! I'm Ally...

I hope you have a 'Purrfectly' good time while visiting me! And don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Things I like:
- Cats
- Animals
- South Park
- Playing music
- Stuffed animals
- Listening to music
- Watching music videos

Things I don't like:
- Watching commercials
- Cruelty to animals
- That I'm so shy
- Being bored
- Mornings
- Sports
- Rap
Go to my Emoticons Page! :)
Go here to learn more about me.
Read my poetry
I made these animations!!!
Go to my Awards Page and see what awards I won!
Go here to win my award!!
Go to my page of links!
Go to my cat page!
people have visited my little hellhole on the web.
My Email: XSnoKittyX@aol.com