hey i'm Danni i'm 15 years old and i'm a sophmore and HHS. i'm in the band...military all the way!! i march flute and play oboe during the concert season. i have an older brother Jimmy whose 20 and attends LSU...geaux tigers!!! my sister is 17 and is a senior in high school. and last and shorter than me for now is David, who is 8 years old and going into 3rd grade! my main hobbies are music, dancing, and talking on the phone. for the most part a listen to country but i also like some pop and christian. i work at Chick fil a and for the most part it's alot of fun!! i use to be on a drill team called the Green Starlettes, but i graduated from that and i miss alot...but i still love to dance!!! i love watching movies and going out with my friends!! and speaking of friends!! Colleen, my best friend, i miss you alot and i hope that you're having fun in FL!! hope you can come down for homecoming!! Jeremy, my favorite guy in the world, thanx for being here for me!! i love you babe!! Jake, a fellow band nerd, being nerdy is ok...we're in it together!!! Amy, the now twirler, i don't think i can really put anything in here for you with out saying something not nice!! *lol* love ya!! and everyone one else, I LOVE YOU!!! hey, since you stopped by might as well sing my guest book  eh?? go for it!! and thanx for stopping by!!

poems (they r really good!!!) (seacch for Danielle Carreon OR Daniel Liu

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