copyright 1998,1999 Kristin


left click speaker to listen right click to save.

Make sure you check out my sound links below


Amazing Grace All I ever wanted Angels
Babe Bad Moon Blues
Brick Wall Heart Chattahoochee
Smoke The Gift Thriller
Dance of the Fairies Fast Lane Foolish Games
Guardian Hall of the Mountain King Interstate
Jazz Ye-Ha Country Jingle Bells Twinkle Little Star
Must Have Give You Everything Small World

untitled.mid walkof.mid weworld.mid
whenicom.mid wholelot.mid
wildthg.mid willyous.mid wipeout.mid
wishittwo.mid witchy.mid wonworld.mid
xfiles.mid yaktysax.mid yhavent.mid
yourmove.mid yourmv2.mid bluegras.mid
jail house rock light my fire mission impossible
money pretty woman sweet dreams





Bimsan's Web Graphics

Thank you Ali for making the header for my page!!!


© Kristin 1998,1999

I will be putting up more sounds when I get time to.