To Our SHOUTZ Page!

This page is dedicated to all our friends on and off the web, take a look, you might be in here! And if you wanna be in here, just send an email to or Enjoy!

Friends on the Web:

Rage- been a friend of Glitter's since June 97. Your a great person, I just hope you realize how great you are.

Bill- You always put a smile on my face. Don't ever change! I look forward to talking to you.

Strong Man- Good luck with your page and wrestling! I know you'll do great!

Munky- We have great times! And I hope there's ALOT more to come!

Liono-I love your poems, your really talented!!

Hells Guardian- hockey player going pro! I wish you the best of luck, and don't forget me when u become rich and famous!

Pooh Friends- 2 of the nicest people I've talked to on the net!

Pat- just a bum I met on the net.

Patrick- A guy from school that I talk to all the time.

Dru- cute guy that I email

Matt- computer nerd. Three words "Got any cheese?"

Friends Off The Web:

Tiffany- one of my best friends, she's always been there for me. Thanx "babe" hahaha

Michelle- Not only is she the human brain, but the human fish as well. Isn't she talented ladies and gentlemen?

Pat- He's really caring, FUNNY, and a great person. I'm really glad we met! (long story)

Pat-(yes there's 2) Funny! He cracks me up, lets just say we did the tango in the library!

Geoff- My homecoming date, and one of my best friends.

Heather- You stole my name and phone number!! Shame on you! But your nice so you are forgiven.

Lauren- Great person to party with... oh buy your own beanie!! (inside joke)

Tom- your a nice guy but two words "Don't touch!"

Kristen- short and fun to fight with.

Jen- Big, tall, and talented. (I wouldn't know personally but I will take someones word for it!!)

Lauren- Lanky like Heather and blonde (that's why she's slow)

Lauren B- other best bud

Alicia- Crack head, blonde but smart (yes I know, weird combination)

Suzanna- Use to be blonde, but got artificial intelligence. (Doesn't fool me)

Shalita-Short, funny, kinda looks like an african american elmo.

Brandi- Your still a good friend.

If we forgot anyone, sorry. Let us know, and we'll put you up! We didn't forget about you..... well actually, yes we did. :o)

Good Luck Gloucester Lady Lions!!!

I'd like to say Congrad's to our basketball team and good luck in this years season! So far we are undefeated and plan on winning States. Congrad's to Megen Light for her 2,000+ point total for this season and good luck to her sister Molly Anne for reaching 1,000. She has 62 pts to go as of January 26. She should be reaching this goal within the next 5-10 games. And good luck to the rest of the team. We're gonna go all the way this year girls!! - Heather