10. Sleep
9. Look out the window and laugh at all the kids from gym that are out playing football in 40 degree weather. (Don't laugh too hard, you have gym next period)
8. Tap on your desk till either your fingertips go numb or the teacher yells at you to stop.
7. Decide when you're gonna pay the speeding tickets from 2 months ago.
6. Stare out the window and count how many blue cars drive by.
5. Judge cockroach races.
4. Sing the first line of Tainted Love until someone snaps.
3. Write "I'm so bored" until your pencil's tip breaks off.
2. If it's near the end of the year, get a pink card so you can go to the office and sit happily in the air conditioning.
1. Set a world's record in pencil sharpining.
When you wear one down, get out another. Try to last all period. (When
the teacher finally sends you down to guidence for psychiatric counceling,
sit happily in the air conditioning.)
The SuRvEy:
#1. Your favorite class is:
A. Physics. As soon as the teacher begins lecturing, your head hits the desk at an estimated 9.8 meters/second.
B. Gym. While everyone's playing crab soccer and volley ball you're enjoying a leisurely game of ping pong in the fitness room
C. Lunch. Yeah, maybe the food isn't great, but there's no grade and no homework.
#2. Your locker looks like:
A. A landfill. You have things in your locker no longer classified by science.
B. The Library of Congress. People are approaching you about "Shakespeare's First Folio" whatever that is.
C. It's own ecosystem. Ivy is beginning to grow up around the sides.
#3. Your science project is due next Monday. You:
A. Stay up day and night until it is absolutely perfect in everyway (then you wake up and find out that you fell asleep in the rubber cement.)
B. Glue together three pieces of cardboard, take a few Polaroids, and quickly find out how good you really are at creative writing.
C. Science project? What science project? I have a science class?!?
#4. Your teacher leaves the room. You:
A. Lock the door.
B. Quickly take out your red pen and "correct" your teacher's math mistakes on your grade average.
C. Mix up all the drawers in your teacher's desk. When he/she returns ask for a pass, and watch him/her dig through the desk, eventually giving you and yelling," JUST GO ALREADY!!"
#5. Your teacher asks you a question and you weren't paying attention. You:
A. Put your head on your desk and snore loudly. When the teacher wakes you up, appologize and say that you are narcoleptic.
B. Ask him to repeat the question over and over again until he snaps and gives you a pink card.
C. Grab your heart, let out a strangled cry, and fall to the floor. Hold your breath until the ambulance arrives.
Don't ya just wish you could
do this to some people? Take that teach, fail me huh?
Here's Modzilla...... can't
you tell he doesn't like Netscape?
This reminds me of the Sugar
Ray video Fly. Think the little person will ever get out of the box? Let's
This is the house that Jack
built. Well, this WAS the house Jack built.
This is what Einstien was
really like!! Genius? I think not.
So..... did you laugh?
huh, huh, did ya huh? If not these hands are gonna attack you!