
Glitter_Girl Plays Field Hockey, Basketball, and Softball for school.
Precious does not play any sport in school (this year)

They both like:
Football : Fav team - GreenBay Packers & Philadelphia Eagles
                                                  (thats Precious's)
                Fav team -   Greenbay Packers, Dallas, and the home team. Eagles.

BaseBall : Fav team - Philadelphia Phillies (Precious's)
                        Fav team -

Hockey : Fav team - Philadelphia Flyers (Precious's)
               Fav team -  Philadelphia  Flyers

Basketball: Fav team- Bulls, lakers, suns, magic (precious's)
                   Fav team- same as Precious

(if anyone has any sugestions on any pages email us.  email Glitter_Girl at  and Precious at or  at any of the 3 addy's one of the 2 will get the mail!!)

Links -
 Main Page