
I recently decided to remove all of the spells and rituals that I put on here. Most of them were spells that I designed for myself. The more I thought about it, it didn't seem right to me. Spells are personal things, and I believe they'll work best if you come up with them yourself. I take my religion VERY seriously, and I firmly believe that anything done as a witch should be personal and from YOUR heart. I recieved several e-mail messages from people asking me if I had any spells to make people fall in love, or spells to harm people and it was all very discouraging. It seemed like people were missing the whole idea...

If you're new to witchcraft: I'm glad you're interested- that's wonderful. I suggest that before you begin any rituals, you do lots of research and HONESTLY believe in this from your heart. I've learned from experience, if you don't REALLY believe in something, it will not work. There are a great variety of books available at most any book store, and I wish you luck.
