"Religion should not bring people together, nor tear them apart.
It should bring people so close to themselves that they're confident that the world so
beautiful, it could have only been created by The One."
Welcome to this little niche on the web. I'm glad you could drop in!
I made this page for people that share similar interests with me, and I want this page to be
one that you would like to come back to again and again. So, I'm open to any and all
suggestions anybody may have. You may have noticed this is primarily a Wicca-oriented page, but you'll see that there is much more here. My page has just undergone a huge move, and although I have got everything working there may be a link or two that doesn't work or a picture that may not show up. Eventually, I'll get everything smoothly running.
Things Of Intrest:
Colours (Uses and Meanings)
March 1997 - December 1999 Phases of The Moon
The Charge Of The Goddess
The Charge Of The God
The Wheel Of The Year
Theban Script Alphabet
The Wiccan Rede
The Witches Creed
The Courage To Be Myself
A Christian Speaks On The Faith and Path of Wicca

Rainbow Blessings to you, visitor number
since April 4th, 1998!
(Because I switched url addresses, I had to get a brand new counter. There have been 9000+ hits on this page since July 1996.)
Read My OLD Guestbook

About Me!

Please feel free to email me with your comments, questions, or suggestions at c1225@fuse.net.
This site was last updated at 12:10 PM, on Saturday, April 4th, 1998.
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