Brady, Me and Robby
Besides me and Mom and Daddy, I have two brothers in my family. Robby is 9 and Brady is 4. I like to fight with them, but I also love them!
Check out my family page


Click here to check out my angel page!


Here's my ballet page


This is my page about Barbies!

I Like To Read!

This is my page about the books I like to read

My Favorite Shows

Check out the stuff I like to watch!

Looney Toons

My page for Looney Toons links!

My Cyberpet
Please click on my pet cyberhorse to see how you can get a cyberpet, too!

Click here to see the other babies I've adopted!

My Awards

Here's my awards page


Check out the WebRings I belong to!

Here's The Time At My House!
I Live In Baton Rouge, Louisiana

This song is "The Woman In Me" by one of my favorite people, Shania Twain!

Please Sign My Guestbook?

I'd like to have you sign my guestbook so I can know who visited my page!

You can email me, too!

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1997, Katie Finney

Thanks To All!