Are you confused as to how to put a ghost on your page? Look no further because this page will tell you how!
To adopt a ghost, first you need a webpage for the ghost to live on. Without a webpage, what would be the point?! So, head on over to Geocities and get a free webpage of your own.
After you have your webpage all set up and ready to go, come back here and pick the ghost that you want. Using your mouse, right-click over the ghost, then save him onto your computer or onto a disk.
The next step is to upload it onto your webpage directory. This can be easily done using Geocities' "EZ Upload". Type in the file name, then press the upload button.
Then go to the page where you want the ghost to live on. Place the ghost wherever you want. Press the "save" button, and that's it!
If you have a Geocities' account and still have no clue as to what I'm talking about, I suggest you write to your Geocities Community Leader. They will answer any questions that you might have. That's their job!
Have fun!
Thanks to Geocities for being our ghost host!