Ghost Families
Here are some ghosts who have found a new home. If you adopted a ghost and would like to be part of our family, all you have to do is provide a link to us & fill out a simple form .

Grizelda Casper(#1) & Cypress Marcie Tundra Rose Kids' ghost
Aimee's ghost Mary's ghost Bella & Alice & Ozzy Haunted Halloween's ghosts
Akasha's ghost Khalyka's ghost Enkil's ghost Flash
Jennifer's ghost Ron's ghost Debbie's ghost Spooky & Boo-Boo(#1) & Pumpkin
Scary Big Boo & Little Boo Lelina Bobo
Blanca Boo-Boo(#2) Goldie Kathrine's ghost
Pebbles & Wheaties Jessica's ghost Hannah's ghost Sandy's ghost
Hazey Eduardo Casper(#2) Panther99999's ghost
Skari Radley Violet Thelma's ghosts
Spookie Percy & Eve & Albert David's ghost Cheryl's ghost
Starfire's ghosts Boo-Too Tulula Ghosty Ms_Demeanor's ghost
Sugar & Sweets Lee & Mirinda Mick Banana22107's ghost
Gloria, Gus, & Gary Mr. Spooky Ally's ghost Davy, Mike, Peter & Mickey
George Michelle's ghosts Dream's ghost Alf's ghosts
Winnie's ghost Daddy, Mommy, & Baby Misty & Julia Bill, Jill, & Synya
Jade Mary and Bobby Jörgen's ghost Annelie's ghosts
Paaka's ghosts Emma's ghost Marita's ghost Orange Yoshi64's ghost
Cindy's ghosts Boris Propinquity Angie's ghost
Ergodiel's ghosts Boo Leviathan Jonatan
Barboorah Gustaf's ghost Laban(#1) Jack, Jennifer, Maggie, & Kirby
Spooky & Huibuh Spook Laban(#2) Terri's ghost
LilBit Trans Mr. Magicul Hand Mike, Peter, Micky & Davy
Jörgen Willie & Gert Punkin Fluffy
Victor Ghosty Spooko Ghosty
Boo-Boo Sara's ghosts Gothica & Teena Tiina-Therése A.
The Nature Ghost Linus Macha Fluffy, Hally, & Holly
Morgana The Orange Dozen Mr. Boo Beachie
Sporty Nicky Beaulisa Gargamesh
Friendly little ghost Beasty Crocker Helen Ghosty, Spookie & Linux
Sam, Martha, Seymour, Harry, Serena, Roz, Prescott, Mary, Dale, Xavier, & Hal

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Hitchcock theme music


Thanks to Geocities for being our ghost host!