Principal's Message
Our School District
Lake Co.
Office of Ed.
Our County

707 / 994-6447 fax 994-504715850 Dam Extension Rd., Clearlake, CA 95422
Welcome to Oak Hill Middle School! If I had to come up with one word for Oak Hill this year, I would say: CHANGE. There are many changes at Oak Hill: changes in dress code, changes in staff, changes in attitude, changes in perspective. We invite you to visit our campus here on the WWW, or in person, to see the many wonderful ways we are changing!
"All change is a miracle to contemplate; but it is a miracle which is taking place every second. "
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) US essayist, poet, naturalist
In "Webster's Electronic Quotebase," ed. Keith Mohler, 1994.
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