[Click on the photos to view them larger]

These are some of my favourite photos. I am nearly seven years old now and have grown alot since this website was first online, take a look at my archived photos and see what I looked like as a baby! This year (2001) I went on holiday to Dubai and went Deep Sea Fishing, I've also started to go horse-riding.
- Deep Sea Fishing in Dubai (August 2001) -
"I caught two Queen fish! - Thanks, Uncle Steve & Daddy!"

2001 Top Children's
Model of the Year!

On the way to horse riding - July 2001

Bet you can't guess who took this photo of me!

All set and ready, that's 'Toffee' behind me.

Toffee is my favourite pony, he's just my size!

My instructor, is crazy...he sings all the time!

Dad, just picking up the girlfriend for dinner ok?

- Alright Oliver -
no later than 11pm

Jeez, how old does he think I am? Now where's her house...

Archived Photos

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