Cassie Boo's Home Page
The "Wizard of Oz" is one of my favorite movies!
Here I am as Dorothy for Holloweeen. My Dad was the scarecrow.I even have my own
Here I am at the beach this summer. What a lovely day !
This is my sister Ariane and I !
These are my sisters Lorien and Ariane and I. It was at a bridal shower for Lori.
Here I am with my Daddy.
Here I am with my Mommy. We are at the Rainforest Cafe. Yikes, Thats a big gorilla !
Here I am snuggling with my dog Mr. Logan. He's my buddy.
This is my new doggy the "Phantom Menace" ! He gets into sooo much trouble.
That's right - I'm cute.
Here is a link to my Dad's home page. His name is Jimmy B. from Randy and the Rainbows.
Thanks for visiting ! Come again soon.
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