Aloysius's page

Well helloooo world!!! I am cat #2 and I live with Nannette & Krystal. Nannette found me when I was 3 or 4 mths old. I was either lost or abandoned, but I looked so darn cute she took me in. Nannette seems to think this cartoon looks like me, but I think i'm cuter than that. One of my favorite things to do is chase Krystal. I love being rubbed and will climb in your lap the very time first time I meet you. So that's all for now, you can email me if you like, Nannette will make sure I get it.

(My name is pronounced AL-O-WISH-SHUSH.)I was named after a Teddy Bear owned by one of the main characters in the book Brideshead Revisited. This week I was naughty and ran outside. Nannette didn't find me for 3 hours! I got very dirty and had to take and bath (yuch!) I think maybe I'll stay in the house from now on.

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