Elcista's Cozy Corner

Hey told ya that I am back!! I have put 11 new midi files in my Juke Box so check those out!! I am still workin' hard on gettin' this page up and runnin' at a faster pace! I am thinking about doin' a LOT of re doing so if you have an idea then PLEASE send it to me and I will be very greatful for the ideas!! Anyway back to the up dating!

So glad you droped by for a visit. I hope you will find things of interest to you here. Are you interrested in reading? I love to read. Be sure to check out my Book Nook. I have a list of my favorite books and tell a little bit about them.

Do you like to write stories as well? I love to write. Have you ever gone to a Young Authors Conference? They are lots of fun. The only thing you need to do in order to go is write your own story. If you have never written a story before it's really easy. Visit my Young Authors page to see how I do it. You don't have to be a professional writer, I'm not! I just love to write.

I've just added a midi juke box for your listening pleasure. You can choose as many songs as you like and then play them while you are surfing the net. Be sure to stop by and see my Juke Box then sign my guestbook and let me know what you think! If there is a song you would like included let me know and I'll see if I can find it for you.

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