Think Think Think

Yuck! Think Think Think --> Baduy! Eh, sorry 'ah! Wala akong maisip 'eh!
Some of you may have heard this before and may find
them easy, but I know some of you haven't. Either way, I hope you figure them out.

Two Coconuts

There was a man who had two coconuts to sell in the market. To get to the market, the farmer had to cross a bridge which can only hold 105 pounds. Each coconut weighed 5 pounds. The farmer weighed a hundred pounds so all in all, they weighed a hundred ten pounds. If he can only cross the bridge once, how will he carry the two coconuts w/o exceeding the bridge's capacity?

No cheating! He can't throw the coconuts (the bridge is really long), he can't eat them (he has to sell them to the market), he doesn't have a son who's lighter than him and can do his job as a favor, and he doesn't have any rope or gadget. Just him, the two coconuts and the bridge he can only pass ONCE.

CLUE: The farmer, aside from farming has another skill, and with that skill, he can be admitted to the circus.

Nine Eggs

There are nine eggs. The weight of eight eggs are equal. The other one is heavier than the others (but only by .00something). There is a balance (balance - like a weighing scale where u can weigh two things at the same time). If you could only use the balance twice, how will you use it to be able to know which one of the 9 eggs is the heaviest?

Three Fishes

You have three fishes and one pan where only two fishes can fit. Each fish takes 10 minutes to cook. 5 minutes on one side, 5 on the other. How will you cook all the three fishes in only 15 minutes?

You can only cook them in 15 minutes because you don't have enough fuel for more minutes and you can't cut the fishes in half --> you can't cut the fishes at all <-- .

Four People and A Bridge

It was a dark, moonless and starless night when four people needed to cross a bridge in 17 minutes. Since there was no light, they needed a flashlight for them to get to the other side of the bridge. Anyway, there was only one flashlight, and the bridge can only hold two people at once, so once two of them has crossed the bridge, one of them has to go back to the other two to bring back the flashlight. If the first person could cross in 10 minutes, the other in 5 minutes, the third in 2 minutes and the last person in 1 minute, who would be the first to cross the bridge and who would go back to bring the flashlight, in order for them to be able to cross the bridge in 17 minutes?

No cheating! They can't stop in the middle of the bridge and they HAVE to bring back the flashlight. They can't kill each other and they can't swim in the water under the bridge either because it's filled with alligators.

Were you able to figure them all out? I hope you did. But if you didn't, email me at, ask me what the answers are and I'd be glad to help you.
That's not all of it anyway. For more situations to think about, go to the next page.

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