Greetings Everyone!
I hope I don't miss any greeting this time, well, if I do, though, please remind me.

Hi, Hello, and Thank you to:

God, for all creation
My parents for the internet connection
My sister Zara for helping
Geocities, for the space
My friends - Jazel, Jaecel, Luis, Josef, Tracy, Blitz, Pahayagang Bedista Staffers, and all Bedans - GS, HS, and College, pati faculty, administration, etc. especially...
Sec.12 (1997-98)
Sec.21 (1998-99)
Sec.34 (1999-2000)
Sec. 45 (2000-01)
Mrs. Lourdes Miranda
All my Busmates - Dianne, Jacky, Jenny, Henessey, etc.
Ms. Leony G. Bayla
My Blockmates - The Prettiest Future Ambassadors (cez, roby, meg, gen, kate, gill, xenia)
Abu, my little doggie
Everyone else who cares
And everyone who's visited my homepage.

To everyone that's mentioned and not mentioned here, thanks for visiting my site. Come again!

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