Gundam Wing

I suddenly became real obsessed with Gundam and it's characters, so here.
Here's another page dedicated to yet another one of the best animes around.

It's the year 195 AC (After Colony) and over the past few years, earth's people have established colonies in space. Since the Earth was in war then, the peaceful colonies seemed like a good alternative for the war-weary people in Earth. Anyway, when the wars ended, an alliance was formed to bring peace through force of arms. The alliance had control of the colonies and had staged a military intervention using machines called mobile suits to crush all opposition. They placed the colonies under martial law and cooperation and communication between the colonies was prohibited. The alliance was actually being controlled by the Romefeller Foundation, the industrial combine that makes mobile suits. Well, after years of oppression, rebels decided to strike back at the alliance. They developed Gundams, advanced mobile suits and found five people to pilot them.

Four of them, namely, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, and Wufei Chang were able to get to earth safely, but the last Gundam pilot, Heero Yuy, ran into Zechs Merquise, a pilot from the alliance's elite mobile suit corps, so he was forced to temporarily leave his Gundam at sea. When he gets to the shore, he sees Relena Peacecraft, daughter of the alliance's foreign minister, and since the Gundams were supposed to be a secret, he vows to kill her.
Heero never kills Relena anyway because he ends up liking her, though he never admits it and she develops a crush on him too. It was obvious throughout the series that they liked each other, but they never got together =( .
Anyway, I guess the main theme of the series is war, its essence, what's good with it, and what's bad. It's cool, even if it is a little hard to understand at first. :P

The Characters of Gundam Wing
Pictures of the pilots, etc.

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