This site has been up since the last few months of 1996. It just doesn't look like it because it had a different layout then, and I've changed the guestbooks and counters at least 5 times. Although, the information in the anime pages are pretty much the same. So, I hope you enjoy your stay here and please come again! Thanks very much and don't forget to sign another new guestbook! :P
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this page is best viewed with your eyes.For Compliments, Comments and Complaints:miriyammqx@yahoo.com1996-2003Ida A. Irigo-miriyammqx-
For Compliments, Comments and Complaints:miriyammqx@yahoo.com1996-2003Ida A. Irigo-miriyammqx-
1996-2003Ida A. Irigo-miriyammqx-