Sonic HQ - The Games Page

Tails' Adventure

Sonic and Tails have temporarily parted for a little vacation time, and Tails has decided to visit his favorite holiday spot. It's a little island he discovered, and named it after himself: Tails Island! Problem is, there won't be much relaxing on this vacation. That's because a heavily-armed bird army is sweeping through the island! Suddenly there is a great noise, and the woods are suddenly ablaze! Tails sees a flying fortress hovering on the horizon and our two tailed hero isn't about to give up his island to some crazy army of birds, so armed at the start with nothing but simple bombs, Miles takes on the "Battle Bird Armada", with all the animals on the island counting on him!

Tails' House Zone
Polly Forest Zone
Volcanic Tunnel Zone
Polly Mountain Zone
Caron Forest Zone
Green Island Zone
Cavern Island Zone
Lake Rocky Zone
Laky Crystal Zone
Battle Fortress Zone

There is no time for guessing. As Tails, you must fight the bird forces and stop the Battle Fortress from taking complete control of the island! On land, in the air, and at sea, you'll be battling some pretty tough birds! Several useful items are scattered throughout the island which you will need in your adventures. A platformer that plays absolutely nothing like traditional Sonic games, and has alot of action-RPG elements mixed in. It's a really fun game one way or the other, with an emphasis on collecting items and returning to old worlds to pick up stuff you couldn't get to the first time. There's also alot of puzzle-solving elements, figuring out which items to use for any given situation...this was the type of game the GG was made for. There's also a spiffy music track in the game that's actually a less-annoying remix of Sonic 2's Aqua Lake Zone! The enemies look like various takes on The Ninja Crows from Samurai Pizza Cats, and the boss looks like a fat version of Bean the Dynamite. But dont be assuaded because this is an excellent game nonetheless!

OK, the intro starts out with a nice map of Tails' Island, and peaceful music. Then, something coems over the map and shows fires. Tails wakes up, and goes to find out what's wrong. Then, you start in "Tails' House", where you can equip yourself with items. You go through several levels, collecting cool items. And then, what's really cool, is when you get one item,(Continued... this only allows 450 letters to a message...)!When you get an item, you can go back to other levels and use it to unlock other parts of levels. The Chaos Emeralds give Tails 10 extra rings (Which add to his rings, which you lose if you get hit.) to his limit. You can't go above your limit. You use the Sea Fox to explore flying levels, and water levels. The bosses: You face several large birds, once if you're going through the levels, and if you're re-playing a level to unlock secrets, there can be much tougher bosses. (You battle with bombs and other items, BTW) You find each bosses weakness, and attack it. (ex. In the first level, just hit it with bombs, in the next you dodge everything, and fly up) Hold on, lemme get my manual for the levels. Tails' House- The beginner, where you can equip and look at your items, or egt the Sea Foz running! Poloy Forest- A dark forest in the evening level, just for beginners. Volcanic Tunnel- A cybernetic chamber with no boss until you get a "Big Bomb" item. Polly Mountain- A nice, fun level, it's got split routes. The first goes to the boss to get an emerald, th Tails' House- A level, where you equip for levels, and get the Sea Fox going Poloy Forest- A forest-in-the evening, basic beginner level. Volcanic Tunnel- A cybernetic tunnel, which has no boss until you get a "Big Bomb" later in the game. Polly Mountain- My fave, a daytime level, which has two routes. The first, you get items, and then get sent back to the beginning of the level, and to route 2, to fight the flyong boss. More in a minute... Caron Forest Green Island Cavern Island Lake Rocky Laky Crystal Battle Fortress