Sonic HQ - The Games Page

Sonic Gameworld

An edutainment title for the Sega Pico, Sonic also makes his debut on The Sega Pico, one of the nation's best-selling electronic learning aids. This marked the first in the edutainment streak of Sonic Games. Split into "books", each book page contains a different attraction in a fun-house where up to two players can match skill and dexterity against guess who - No not Mickey Mouse !! Dr. Robotnik!!! With the help of Sonic and Tails, children develop hand-eye coordination while having fun as they play games such as Skeeball, Hoops, Concentration, Robotnik-Bash and many more. Overall it's okay, but some of the games are just plain awkward, making them more difficult than they should be.

The Robotnik Bash