Chaos Grand Prix - Blue Choas!!!

Dark Valley Zone - Act Two
WE REPEAT - Beware the Dark Valley !!!! DO NOT GO NEAR THE SIDES OF THE TRACK !!!!!!!! Especially in curves as basically - there are no sides. You lose valuable time if you fall off the track as you have to wait to be picked up by the retractable claw that sets you back. Plus beware of the trees that lay in the center of the road. If you see a plunger - GO FOR IT immediately as most likely there's a pit in the middle of the road! And there are at least two of the buggers here. The difference in this Dark valley and the other one - LONGER CURVES, MORE OBSTCALES, AND MORE PITS. As a site note Nack is NOT a good driver on this level...

Quake Cave Zone
Welcome to the second of the underground raceway levels. This level is MUCH harder due to the fact that (if youre racing against him) The Eggman is ALWAYS on your tail, stalactites are VERY MUCH in the road here AND whereas the Mystic Cave had nothing - this zone has earthquakes! And with those earthquakes come tumbling rocks. take your time and be wary.

Balloon Panic Zone
From here on up until Milky Way, the zones lighten up somewhat - so if you're behind in ranking this and Emerald Ocean are the best places to catch up. Drive like mad here but beware the ballons that sit in the road. They can turn into an annoyance....Also another thing to note here are the VERY sharp curves - ESPECIALLY the north one. Drive fast, but drive careful and you should have no worries!

Emerald Ocean Zone
This is probably the funnest stage in the whole game. Look out for rocks in the road and dont fall off of the road but just take it easy and cruise! You'll need it before you reach the Milky Way zone. And remember - if you're low in ranking THIS is the BEST place to catch up.
Milky Way Zone

This one's a BONAFIDE DOOZY, daresay harder than the Death Egg zone itself....First of all the zone consists of NOTHING but sharp curves - Use that one LONE straightaway to your advantage! Second of all - THERE ARE NO SIDES TO THE TRACK. You fall off then you have a LOT of catching up to do. Especially since you have to wait for that slow claw to pick you back up. Third of all- Your opponets go ballistic on attack and defensive moves from here on up to Death Egg. If you manage to get through this zone without any mistakes then more power to you. In the final straightaway (Its a no-lapper) drive on as you come to your final stop in The Chaos Grand Prix.....

Death Egg Zone - Final Race
This zone is also one BIG UNADULTERATED DOOZY. Straightaways do not exist except for under the nose - and thats monstrously short. EVERYTHING that was said on the Milky Way Zone goes for here EXCEPT TWO THINGS - One, There are TWICE as many curves, and Two, its a lapper - meaning you have to go through it all over again every lap unlike Milky Way. Good luck and happy racing!