*** NOTE *** The game is split up into 3 Chaos Grand prix modes - Green Chaos, Yellow Chaos, and Red Chaos - Green being the easiest, Yellow being the medium area, and Red being hardest. The following walkthrough is based on the Green Chaos GP mode.

Green Hill Zone
This zone is practically the easiest. Basically a "getting the feel of the controls" are. Be sure to stick to a fair speed and watch out on turns. Also when doing a turn make sure you look up ahead as if you get caught too far in a turn - you'll not only slow down but if you don't get out of the way in time you may hit a sign in the road!

The Marble Zone
This zone is pretty straighforward as well but isn't as easy as the first one. Look for monitors in the road such as turbo boosts, invincibility, and jump springs. THEY WILL HELP. Also be sure to keep a look out for poles and such that will sit closer into the road - They ARE an annoyance. This zone is best used if working with Sonic.

Spring Yard Zone
This one's VERY fast paced. Not only that but now there are more side bard than ever - And it doesnt help even when the turns are crazy. Be careful when turning and time them just right or youll ram headfirst into a pillar. Overall take it easy but go fast enough that you can maintain a good lead.

The Labyrinth Zone
ANNOYING ANNOYING ANNOYING !!!!!!!!! This place is filled with side blocks that have a tendency to get in your way - ESPECIALLY at the sharp turns. If you can get an invincibility go for it. Not only that but try to keep yourself from getting hit.

Star Light Zone
This zone is pretty fun but it is a LOT funner than the Labyrinth Zone. Stay away from the lightposts as some of them sit in the road. Keep up a good paced speed especially on the straightaways and youll do just fine! Also be sure to take it easy on curves.

Scrap Brain Zone
This isn't extremely hard but it isnt exactly easy either. Curves get in your way A LOT not to mention that in those curves you'll need to avoid the energy filtrators taht sit at the side of the road! Keep up a good pace but be mindful of your surroundings!