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Sonic Crackers

Don't worry, you haven't missed a real sonic game for Genesis.. Or......have you? Yes, there is a "lost" Genesis Sonic game. It's called Sonic Crackers, and it doesn't appear to have ever made it out of alpha development. It may have begun with someone selling a beta version of the "Crackers" game on usenet about a year or so back.......The question is however - Just what is it?

This game.. oddly titled "Sonic Crackers" is most perplexing. It has elements ( and music..) from Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic 3D Blast. Maybe this game was intended to be the last great Sonic game for Genesis. Maybe Knuckles Chaotix was almost called "Sonic Chaotix". Its most likely the unfinished Sonic the Hedgehog 4, rumored to be soon released on the Sega 32X. The control is odd, fustrating at times, like Chaotix only worse. But its no huge problem, as you'll get the hang of it ( like in Chaotix ) after a minute or two of jumping around wildly. The graphics look great ( although, unfinished)but due to it being only shown in bootleg emulator roms here are no enemies, and you can't die. The character sprites look like those from Sonic 2. I don't know why, the music is Chaotix music, And it has striking similarities to Sonic Labyrinth in what looks to be "The Bonus Board". You can see from the screen shots, these levels look kind of familiar...From what I've read, it appears that Crackers was a prototype game that eventually became Knuckles Chaotix, because Sonic and Tails were connected by an energy chain. It's in interesting novelty, but I wouldn't go as far as call it a cool game. There's other similarities too, however I havent Knux Chaotix, so I can't fully note them. So those will have to come in time.....