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Sonic Chaos - Sonic And Tails

After defeat Dr. Robotnik's going right for the source: the Chaos Emeralds themselves!! He's already gotten the red one, throwing the others into a parallel universe. The shift in power balance has caused South Island to start sinking into the ocean! It's up to Sonic and Tails to collect the remaining Chaos Emeralds and recover the red one from Robotnik before South Island and all its inhabitants go for a looong swim... Welcome to Sonic Chaos, the first Game Gear game where you can play as either Sonic with his super speed, or Tails with his twin-tail flying ability! The zones here include The Turquoise Hill Zone, The Gigaopolis Zone, The Sleeping Egg Zone, The Mecha Green Zone, The Aqua Planet Zone, and the final confrontation - the Electric Egg Zone!

Turquoise Hill Zone
Gigaopolis Zone
Sleeping Egg Zone
Mecha Green Hill Zone
Aqua Planet Zone
Electric Egg Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos - Game Gear

Game Codes And Strategy Guides Courtesy Of Jared Matte A.K.A. The Green Gibbon , Radical City

The Code Bank

Level Select: At the title screen press Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Right, Left, Start.

Sound Test: At the title screen, press Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Right, Left, Right, 1, 2, Start.

Sonic Fireball: At the sound test menu, press Down, Down-Right, Right, 2. You can now throw a fireball while playing.

Turqouise Hill Zone

This zone is pretty easy and straightforward. There are limited enemies here. The only real danger is falling on spikes, so watch out for that. The boss of this stage is a large version of the bounce badniks you meet up with within the zone. He's just as easy as well. Just jump over him and peg him with continuous spin dashes. Eight hits will do him in.

The Gigalopolis Zone

Neat little zone we got here. It's just as easy as Turquoise Hill Zone too. Be careful on the slanted platforms. You must run across them at full speed to make it or else you'll fall through it and there's a good chance you'll hit spikes underneath. The boss of this zone is quite a bit harder than the last one. A gigantic blue Caterkiller will come out of the ground. It will fire it's body parts off. Run under the bouncing first part, jump the second part that he shoots straight at you, and jump over the bouncing third part. Peg him in the head before he reforms. Six hits will kill him off.

Sleeping Egg Zone

You have to be careful in this zone. Platforms you stand on sometimes aren't platforms but are disguised holes instead. Those platforms without grass on them are the holes while the ones with grass are regular platforms. The boss of this stage is a little bit tricky. He's a bouncing egg bot that shoots 4 plasma shots forward every time he jumps up. The best thing to do is stay to the left until he bounces and shoots twice. Then, spindash under him the third time he bounces just before he shoots. Hit him in the back continously. Just as he is about to jump on top of you, spin dash back to the left. Repeat this pattern until you have hit him 8 times. He will explode and you will be free to move onto the next zone.

Mecha Green Hill Zone

Robotnik has shifted into full gear !!!! HE'S ROBOITICISED AN ENTIRE ZONE !!!!!!!!!!! Even more important the famous Green Hill Zone from MANY of the Sonic Games !!!! At a lot of places in this zone you can break through the ground with a good jump. There may be more power-ups down below, so search carefully. Other than the slanted bridges again, this zone is pretty easy. The boss here is just as simple. A floating eggbot will try to fire three lasers at you at different levels, the bottom, middle, and top of the screen respectively. Then he will fly back to the bottom and repeat the process. Be careful when you hit him. Beneath him are layers of spikes with one hole in the middle, so when you hit him try not to fall on the spikes. The easiest way to take him out is to jump on him when he's down low and keep bouncing up and down on him. This way, you'll keep hitting him without worrying about his shots and when he explodes you'll fall in that hole between the spikes where you'll be safe. Eight hits kills this dude.

Aqua Planet Zone

All right! A water zone! Hey, wait a minute, there's no water here! We got shammed! Oh well. This zone is a heck of an easy one with no underwater action to worry about. The boss here is simple to begin with. About 6 little egg bouncers come at you. Just nab them all. Then, all of a sudden, a giant egg bouncer drops from the sky! He falls to the middle of the screen and uses the same technique as the Sleeping Egg Zone boss, except he only fires one shot. Your technique is different though. Go all the way to the right side of the screen. Stay there until he reaches your position. He gets close to crushing you, but can't because of the limited space. When he comes down, jump on him abd continue to bounce on him until you've taken eight hits away. He will then fly up and his top half will detach from his bottom half. Six missles will then shoot out of the bottom half. The first three will come from the left and land at the left, the middle, and the right of thge screen respectively. The other three will come from the right and will blow up at the right, the middle, and the left respectively. Dodge them all. Then, the egg bouncer will come down a little ways. Smash him now for one hit will kill this form. He then explodes and you can go on to the last stage.

Electric Egg Zone

The final zone. There are many warp tubes all around the place and some of them lead to power-ups. Some of them however, lead to sudden death so be careful and choosy about which warp tube you take. There are also mine carts that you can ride that will take you to power-ups or death, so be very careful in this zone. There are some slanted bridges here too, most of which have spikes planted underneat. When you reach Act 3, jump in the first mine cart and travel down the hill. Just as it reaches the end, jump on the small platform and take the warp tube above it to 4 ten ring monitors. You'll need these, for you travel on to the final boss....Doc Robotnik!
In his first form, he'll come in a small walking mech. Jump on top of him and keep bouncing on top. He'll shoot lasers, some of which will bounce around the room. It's almost positive you'll get hit unless you get lucky. A WHOPPING Twenty-four hits will do this form in. Then, he'll come at you in his second and final form. The bottom of his ship will grow larger. First, he'll fly to the left at the top of the screen. Then, he'll zoom from left to right at the bottom of the screen. Jump him for now. Then, he'll come in a downwards arc from either side. He may do this twice. Hit him now! One hit will kill him in this form. Now, watch tubby try to run away from you. He'll jump on top a platform and escape. (how can thatthing stay together with that much weight on it?) Congratulations! You've beaten the game! Now sit back and enjoy the credits!

The Ending

I''m not sure, I never beat it as Sonic with the good ending...the bad ending only gives you a "Try Again". Tails gets a good ending whether you have all the Chaos Emeralds or not, but I don''t know if its identical to the one Sonic gets...

The Special Stage And The Chaos Emeralds - The Chaos Zones

Several separate zones each holding an emerald. When I get a chance I'll describe them in full!