Palmtree Panic Zone
*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***
This is a pretty straightforward zone. After the first BIG loop, head
to the left for some Super Sneakers. There's nothing extremely hard about
this zone except for avoiding those annoying Mosquito bots. Transport yourself to the past and stay at the upper part of the screen to locate the Robot Transport device and stay near the bottom areas of the levels to find The Metal Sonic Projection Unit. In Act 3 of every zone, you are transported to the future where
you must fight Robotnik. Here, you must fight Robotnik in a large walking mech robot.
When you first start out, get behind him before he lands on the ground. This
way, you can attack him and he can't attack you. Every hit you get, a part
of him falls off. After everything falls off, he'll fly away. Go to the
right and break open the Prison Egg to release the flower seeds.

Collision Chaos Zone
*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***
Another Casino Night / Spring Yard type zone here. Flippers and bumpers bounce you around
a whole lot and to top that spikes run rampant along with Batbots and those annoying Grasshoper things that shoot repeated blades. Spikes dot the area so be careful where you step. In Act 3,
Robotnik attacks with a machine that drops bubbles. Sounds stupid, yeah but he's not that easy to beat. Watch out for them and
use the flippers to launch yourself at Robotnik. When you hit him he'll fly
higher up to escape you. Avoid the spikes and use the flippers to get up there and plug him
again. After you hit him a couple of times he'll fly off leaving you to
free the flowers.

Tidal Tempest Zone
*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***
How come hedgehogs hate water, yet Sega won't stop putting in flodded zones?
Some questions may never be answered. At any rate, Sonic can't ponder over
questions very long with the danger of drowning. Gulp the air bubbles to
keep yourself alive underwater. Be careful in the currents and watch out for
spikes. In Act 3, Robotnik will attack with his Egg-O-Matic and a shield
of bubbles surrounding him. Dodge the gun blasts he fires and keep gulping
the bubbles out of his shield to stay alive. Once all the bubbles are gone,
plug him once to get rid of him.

Quartz Quadrant Zone
*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***
A zone of shining crystals, Robotnik is searching for the Time Stones here.
Many of the enemies are easily avoidable and easily killed. Except for
more spikes than Collision Chaos, there's not much to worry about here.
Touch the arrows on the signs to reverse the directions of the conveyer
belts. In Act 3, you'll be running on a conveyer belt with spikes right
behind you. Keep running or else you're gonna be impaled. Robotnik will
drop spiked balls at you. Dodge them. Keep repeating this. After a while,
the conveyer belt will rub away the bottom of the capsule Robotnik is in.
When it's all gone, Robotnik will run away leaving you to free the flowers.

Wacky Workbench Zone
*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***
Be careful in this zone, the ground is not always grounded. If you're
standing on it when it starts to flash, you'll be bounced WAY up into
the air. Other than that, there isn't much to watch out for. There's a
secret in Act 2 past. At one point you'll reach an area that looks like the
bottom-right side of a circle. Go to the left into the wall to find a statue
that when you touch gives away a hundred rings. Leave the passageway and
come back to get more rings. Act 3 is a little hard, Robotnik will float in midair and do nothing....sounds easy? NOT SO!! Hit him
and he will fly up sending down a barrage of rocks, Jump on a SOLID block that falls. Now the floor will begin to electrocute and go into bounce mode! When the elctricity starts,
it will send the blocks flying in the air. Quickly jump to another block
and jump through the hole in the ceiling. Time your jumps carefully because Sonic's weight will make whatever block he is already on jump lower than the others. Hit Robotnik again and keep
repeating this pattern. This time watching for falling spikes as well. When you reach the very top, hit Robotnik to get rid
of him once and for all.

Stardust Speedway Zone
*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***
This zone is pretty easy, at least the first two acts are. The hardest thing on the first two zones in avoiding The Double Flasher Badniks that follow your moves and connects with a ray beam. Hit a sign to
close one path and open up the adjacent one. This is a great way to escape
enemies. Act 3 however, is a doozy. In Act 3, you must race Metal Sonic in your final confrontation with him. Robotnik flies behind the
whole way shooting a laser beam, so don't lag behind or else you'll get
fried. When Metal Sonic glows yellow ala Super Sonic, DON'T TOUCH HIM!!! When he just plain
floats you can run right past him. If you reach the finish line before he
does, a wall will close in front of him and Robotnik will wipe him out by
mistake. If he reaches the finish line before you do, you'll get fried. I
heard somewhere that if you cross the finish line at the same time as he
does you'll have to fight him, but that's never happened to me. If it's
happened to you, please email us and tell me about it.

Metallic Madness Zone
*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***
This is the final zone in this game. Filled to the brim with spikes and badniks it can become QUITE annoying! When you come up to a tube that lets
you choose your direction, try to keep going right. Be careful on the
platforms that rotate and drop you. During the act, you may encounter a
shrinking beam. You'll have to run around small until you find a beam that
enlarges you again. In Act 3, Robotnik will attack in his Egg-O-Matic with
4 pillars attaches to it. He will try to roll over you. Hit him twice to
get rid of two pillars. He will then shoot the pillars off to try to hit
you. Dodge them and hit him. With only one pillar left, he tries to
use the pillar as a pogo stick and crush you. One more hit defeats him. Sit
back and watch the ending.

The Special Zone - The UFO Fields
Like in Sonic 1, Sonic must have 50 rings when he clears an act for a giant
ring to appear. Jump in the ring to go to a Mode 7 special stage. You run
around trying to destroy the UFOs. If you destroy all of them, you get one
of the Time Stones, this game's Chaos Emeralds. Now there is NO SUPER SONIC in this game !!!! BUT there are two animated endings !!! And if you finish with all the emeralds - You get to see what REALLY happens....