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Sonic CD

Dr. Robotnik's latest scheme involves the mysterious Little Planet, which appears on the last month of every year over Never Lake. The Little Planet houses the seven Time Stones, with which the holder obtains the ability to travel through time and space. With the control of time, nothing could stop the Eggman! Not to freak, because Sonic the Hedgehog is on the case! Unfortunately, Robotnik has decided to unleash Metal Sonic to keep the hedgehog hero at bay; and kidnap Amy Rose to further complicate the problem. Infact, Robotnik's already made use of the Little Planet's lack of any boundaries on time, and has placed robot machines in the past so he controls the future. Now Sonic's got to stop Robotnik, destroy the robot machines, collect the seven Time Stones, save Amy Rose, and deal with Metal Sonic on a tiny planet where time has no meaning. A hedgehog's work is never done....Introducing Amy Rose, Metal Sonic, and the Time Stones this is the first and only Sonic game to come out for Sega CD, with new characters, 3 endings, and anime entrances and closings this is considered by Sonic fans as one of the best Sonic games of all time! It came out in November of 1993, along with Sonic Spinball and was just rereleased for the PC in 1995, and the features are the same, the codes, the characters, everything. The only difference is that this time around they got Amy Rose's name right in the instruction booklet. This game presents time travel; Sonic can go into the past, present, and future realities of each zone! The future depends on whether you trash Robotnik's roboticizer in the past of each act; if you do, the future will be a good future where the animals are allowed to run free. If not, it will be a bad future where Robotnik is allowed to run amok. If you get the Roboticizers in the past of every act, you will see the good ending of the game. Otherwise, you'll see the bad ending...This game consists of the Palmtree Panic Zone, Collision Chaos Zone, Tidal Tempest Zone, Quartz Quadrant Zone, Wacky Workbench Zone, Stardust Speedway Zone - possibly the most famous Sonic Zone and the race with Metal Sonic - and the final confrontation with Robotnik, The Metallic Madness Zone!

Palmtree Panic Zone
Collision Chaos Zone
Tidal Tempest Zone
Quartz Quadrant Zone
Wacky Workbench Zone
Stardust Speedway Zone
Metallic Madness Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog CD - Sega CD, PC Conversion

Game Codes And Strategy Guides Courtesy Of Jared Matte A.K.A. The Green Gibbon , Radical City

First Appearances: Amy Rose ( Rosy The Rascal ), The Metal Sonic, The Time Stones, The Stardust Speedway.

Comic Adaption: Sonic the Hedgehog #25

Title: "Go Ahead, Mecha My Day"

Writer: Mike Gallagher
Artist: Patrick Spaziante And Harvey Mercadoocasio

Summary: In the adaption to Sonic CD for the Sega Genesis, the Freedom Fighters discover a zone portal to the Collision Chaos Zone! Robotnik tries to lure Sonic into the zone portal by kidnapping his #1 fan: Amy Rose, the pink hedgehog (remember her?). Tails investigates from the air and is captured as well! So to rescue both Amy and Tails, Sonic must race through the new zones and do battle with Dr. Robotnik's newest invention - The Metal Sonic!

Palmtree Panic Zone

*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***

This is a pretty straightforward zone. After the first BIG loop, head to the left for some Super Sneakers. There's nothing extremely hard about this zone except for avoiding those annoying Mosquito bots. Transport yourself to the past and stay at the upper part of the screen to locate the Robot Transport device and stay near the bottom areas of the levels to find The Metal Sonic Projection Unit. In Act 3 of every zone, you are transported to the future where you must fight Robotnik. Here, you must fight Robotnik in a large walking mech robot. When you first start out, get behind him before he lands on the ground. This way, you can attack him and he can't attack you. Every hit you get, a part of him falls off. After everything falls off, he'll fly away. Go to the right and break open the Prison Egg to release the flower seeds.

Collision Chaos Zone

*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***

Another Casino Night / Spring Yard type zone here. Flippers and bumpers bounce you around a whole lot and to top that spikes run rampant along with Batbots and those annoying Grasshoper things that shoot repeated blades. Spikes dot the area so be careful where you step. In Act 3, Robotnik attacks with a machine that drops bubbles. Sounds stupid, yeah but he's not that easy to beat. Watch out for them and use the flippers to launch yourself at Robotnik. When you hit him he'll fly higher up to escape you. Avoid the spikes and use the flippers to get up there and plug him again. After you hit him a couple of times he'll fly off leaving you to free the flowers.

Tidal Tempest Zone

*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***

How come hedgehogs hate water, yet Sega won't stop putting in flodded zones? Some questions may never be answered. At any rate, Sonic can't ponder over questions very long with the danger of drowning. Gulp the air bubbles to keep yourself alive underwater. Be careful in the currents and watch out for spikes. In Act 3, Robotnik will attack with his Egg-O-Matic and a shield of bubbles surrounding him. Dodge the gun blasts he fires and keep gulping the bubbles out of his shield to stay alive. Once all the bubbles are gone, plug him once to get rid of him.

Quartz Quadrant Zone

*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***

A zone of shining crystals, Robotnik is searching for the Time Stones here. Many of the enemies are easily avoidable and easily killed. Except for more spikes than Collision Chaos, there's not much to worry about here. Touch the arrows on the signs to reverse the directions of the conveyer belts. In Act 3, you'll be running on a conveyer belt with spikes right behind you. Keep running or else you're gonna be impaled. Robotnik will drop spiked balls at you. Dodge them. Keep repeating this. After a while, the conveyer belt will rub away the bottom of the capsule Robotnik is in. When it's all gone, Robotnik will run away leaving you to free the flowers.

Wacky Workbench Zone

*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***

Be careful in this zone, the ground is not always grounded. If you're standing on it when it starts to flash, you'll be bounced WAY up into the air. Other than that, there isn't much to watch out for. There's a secret in Act 2 past. At one point you'll reach an area that looks like the bottom-right side of a circle. Go to the left into the wall to find a statue that when you touch gives away a hundred rings. Leave the passageway and come back to get more rings. Act 3 is a little hard, Robotnik will float in midair and do nothing....sounds easy? NOT SO!! Hit him and he will fly up sending down a barrage of rocks, Jump on a SOLID block that falls. Now the floor will begin to electrocute and go into bounce mode! When the elctricity starts, it will send the blocks flying in the air. Quickly jump to another block and jump through the hole in the ceiling. Time your jumps carefully because Sonic's weight will make whatever block he is already on jump lower than the others. Hit Robotnik again and keep repeating this pattern. This time watching for falling spikes as well. When you reach the very top, hit Robotnik to get rid of him once and for all.

Stardust Speedway Zone

*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***

This zone is pretty easy, at least the first two acts are. The hardest thing on the first two zones in avoiding The Double Flasher Badniks that follow your moves and connects with a ray beam. Hit a sign to close one path and open up the adjacent one. This is a great way to escape enemies. Act 3 however, is a doozy. In Act 3, you must race Metal Sonic in your final confrontation with him. Robotnik flies behind the whole way shooting a laser beam, so don't lag behind or else you'll get fried. When Metal Sonic glows yellow ala Super Sonic, DON'T TOUCH HIM!!! When he just plain floats you can run right past him. If you reach the finish line before he does, a wall will close in front of him and Robotnik will wipe him out by mistake. If he reaches the finish line before you do, you'll get fried. I heard somewhere that if you cross the finish line at the same time as he does you'll have to fight him, but that's never happened to me. If it's happened to you, please email us and tell me about it.

Metallic Madness Zone

*** Past ***
*** Present ***
*** Good Future ***
*** Bad Future ***

This is the final zone in this game. Filled to the brim with spikes and badniks it can become QUITE annoying! When you come up to a tube that lets you choose your direction, try to keep going right. Be careful on the platforms that rotate and drop you. During the act, you may encounter a shrinking beam. You'll have to run around small until you find a beam that enlarges you again. In Act 3, Robotnik will attack in his Egg-O-Matic with 4 pillars attaches to it. He will try to roll over you. Hit him twice to get rid of two pillars. He will then shoot the pillars off to try to hit you. Dodge them and hit him. With only one pillar left, he tries to use the pillar as a pogo stick and crush you. One more hit defeats him. Sit back and watch the ending.

The Special Zone - The UFO Fields

Like in Sonic 1, Sonic must have 50 rings when he clears an act for a giant ring to appear. Jump in the ring to go to a Mode 7 special stage. You run around trying to destroy the UFOs. If you destroy all of them, you get one of the Time Stones, this game's Chaos Emeralds. Now there is NO SUPER SONIC in this game !!!! BUT there are two animated endings !!! And if you finish with all the emeralds - You get to see what REALLY happens....

The Code Bank

Even though there are two versions of the game, one for Sega CD, one for PC, most of the codes match each other so I will only put one version of the code unless the other is needed. In the Sega CD codes, buttons A, B, or C can be substituted with the space bar for the PC version.

The Code Bank - Sega CD Codes

The Master Code: From the title screen, press Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, A to call up a Sound Test menu. Special things will happen if you select the following sound combinations and press Start.

Sounds                Effect
FM40, PCM12, DA11     Construction/ Debugging Mode
FM07, PCM07, DA07     Play All The Special Stages
FM42, PCM03, DA01     Displays artwork
FM46, PCM12, DA25     More artwork
FM42, PCM04, DA21     Sonic Hercules
FM44, PCM11, DA09     Revenge of the Mutant Artwork

Level Select: At the title screen, press Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, B.

Note: This code only lets you play one level. You will be sent back to the title screen upon completion or if you time warp.

Beat the Clock: First, finish the game successfully. Now play Time Attack and beat the following times for some special options.

If you beat this time you can play the bonus stages in Time Attack. To access these stages, press Left in the Time Attack screen.

Beating this time adds a new item to the main menu. To the left of RAM Data there will be an entry titled D.A. Garden. It's a picture of the little planet. With the controller you can rotate the planet (with B), zoom in and out (with C), and listen to all the music in the game (with A). It allows you to listen to the regular music, a good mix, and a bad mix, for each level.

Finally, if you can beat this time another menu item appears. To the left of D.A. Garden you'll find Visual Mode. This option allows you to watch the introduction, the endings, and a pencil test of Sonic running around. It also has a cool picture of Sonic in the background.

Tip: To beat these times easily, enable Debug Mode as described under Cheat Codes and Sound Test. This will disable the clock so you'll always finish in 0 seconds!

Designer's High Scores: To see the high scores of the game designers, press Right, Right, Up, Up, Down, C.

I'm Outa Here!!!! : If you let Sonic sit for three minutes without doing anything, he'll grow bored, say "I'm outa here!" and race off the screen, thus ending the game.

Quick Death: For the masochistic hedgehog in you, here's a way to kill yourself quickly. While playing, pause the game and press A, B, or C. This can be useful if you find yourself trapped.

Weather Control: To change the clouds on the title screen, hold A while pressing Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Up.

The Code Bank - PC Conversion Codes

I'm Outa Here: If you let Sonic sit for three minutes without doing anything, he'll grow bored, say "I'm outa here!" and race off the screen, thus ending the game.

Level Select: Press Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Space at the title screen. Just like in the Sega version, you can choose any level, past, present, or future. However, if you warp or finish the level you will return to the title screen.

The Master Code: At the title screen, press Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Space to call up a Sound Test menu. Special things will happen if you select the following sound combinations and press Start.

Sounds          Effect
PCM12, DA11     Debug Mode
PCM07, DA07     Play special stages
PCM03, DA01     Displays artwork
PCM12, DA25     Human-Faced Sonic w/ Japanese Message
PCM04, DA21     Hercules Sonic
PCM11, DA09     Revenge of the Mutant Artwork

The Secret Special Stage!!! : Enter the Sound Test screen, and enter 7's in all the boxes. When you play that sound a secret stage will appear.