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Sonic Arcade

What do I know? For one, it's "SegaSonic Arcade", not Sonic Arcade. You play as Sonic The Hedgehog, or two of the newer characters Ray The Squirrel, or Mighty The Armadillo - Who would soon go on to be come one of the founding members of The Chaotix in Knuckles Chaotix! Sadly this game NEVER came out in the US, released only in Japanese Arcades...From what EXTREMELY little I know, It was designed to be a "track ball game" whatever that is. You can control Sonic and two more characters to use the track ball in your quest to stop Robotnik. And from the looks of things it was designed to be an adventure game, MAYBE working around the same way as the old Ninja Turtles Arcade Game may have (THIS IS ONLY A GUESS JUST BY LOOKING AT PICTURES). But without actually playing it or knowing anyone who has its hard to tell....From what a japanese Sega fan toold me, The track ball game was designed in an isometric view with true 3-D graphics composed up of flat shaded (yet, surprisingly good looking) polygons. But it only had ONE AMERICAN SHOWING EVER !!!! In won critical acclaim at one of the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas, but it never was released nationally in arcades. That's just too bad because from the looks of it, the Saturn could probably handle such a game due to its simple yet attractive look. Maybe it could come out in a "Jam" title for Dreamcast. But I seriously doubt it. Who knows anything can happen? If yo can provide any more information on this game please tell us! Thanks!

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