The Code Bank
Level Select: At the title screen, press: Up, Down, Left, Right. You should hear a ring chime if you've done it correctly. Now hold down A and press START.
Slow & Frame Skip: At the title screen, press: C, C, Up, Down, Left, Right. You should hear a ring chime if you've done it correctly. Now press START. Pause the game, and press A to reset the system, B for slow-motion, and C for frame-by-frame movement.
Construction / Debugging Mode: At the title screen, press: Up, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right. You should hear a ring chime if you've done it correctly. Reset the system. Input the level-select code. Hold down A and choose your Zone. Continue to hold A until Sonic appears on-screen. The following buttons have the following effects:
A = Changes highlighted item.
B = Toggles between items and Sonic.
C = Places highlighted item.
Pause and press A to reset. Pause and hold B for slow-motion. Pause and hold C for single-pixel movement.
The Confusion Demo:While the demo is playing, hold A + B + C. Sonic will get confused, lose his place, and possibly die.
The Emerald Bargain !!!:
This cheat allows you to start at the First Level with all the Emeralds, and with lots of Continues. Use the Level Select cheat (see above) to get to the Special Zone. When you get the Emerald, and have entered into the First Zone, press Reset. Use the Level Select cheat to get to the Special Zone again. When you get the next Emerald, and have entered the First Zone, press Reset again. When you have all the Emeralds, continue on with the first level. You get to keep the Emeralds and the Continues accumulated so far. |
The Marble Zone Shortcut:In Marble Zone act 3 you will find three chandeliers with spikes in them. Go to the far wall (on the right) and jump to the right to find some goodies. Now jump through the wall on the right again, but be careful of the other chandelier.
The Scrap Brain Teleport:On the last level (Scrap Brain), find the ledges that move right then left. Go to the left side of the wall and wait for the platform to move. As soon as it starts to move left, duck. You'll go through the wall. While here, press Left to teleport right and Right to teleport to the left to save needed time on the zone.
The Special Secret:While using the debug mode, enter any special stage. Turn into any object and travel outside the special stage area. There you should fall into a secret special stage filled with one-ups and chaos emeralds.
Game Genie Codes
ATBT-AA32: Master Code
AY3T-AACL: Begin with 5 Lives
GJ6A-CA7A: Infinte Lives, Player 1
JXGA-CA7G: Infinte Lives, Player 2
AJ3A-AA4G: Level Select
AY3T-BA4R: Start with 5 Chaos Emeralds
SCRA-BAXO: Each Ring counts as 8, Player 1
SATA-DAVW: Each Ring counts as 8, Player 2
AEOT-CABE: Once Sonic Is Invincible, He'll Stay That Way
BDLT-AAGL: Super Jump
AE0T-CABY: Keep The Super Shoes

Green Hill Zone
This is the first zone and the easiest. The main dangers are spikes,
Buzzbombers, and other small enemies. Try and keep going fast, that way you
can avoid more dangers and get to higher up power ups. The Act 3 boss is
Robotnik in his Egg-O-Matic with a checker wrecker ball attached to the
bottom. Get underneath the platforms when it swings toward you and duck at
the edge. It won't hit you. When it swings the other way, jump on the
platform and jump at Robotnik's ship. 8 such hits will destroy his ship.
The Marble Zone 
This zone isn't as easy as the first one. All this lava makes this zone
a hard one. Just try to watch out for the lava. Spikes pop up everywhere,
so watch where you're running. A lot of the times this zone requires
precise jumping, so be really careful. At the end, Robotnik comes and tries
to suck up the lava and drop it on you. Watch out for it and jump at him.
8 hits will put him where he belongs.

Spring Yard Zone
This one's a killer. The first in a long tradition of Pinball Sonic boards - those springs and bumpers get on your nerves after
a while. Just keep your head and you'll be cool. Watch out for that
rolling ball badnik. He's gets annoying after a while as well and tends to show up in the least expected places. The Act 3 boss
is Robotnik with a spike on his Egg-O-Matic. He'll try to drop down on you.
Dodge him and hit him. He'll come up with a block, so get rid of him quick
or you'll have no platform left to stand on! 8 hits will send him running.

The Labyrinth Zone
Get ready for an underwater extravaganza. Make sure that you keep enough air
to survive at all times. Get air bubbles when you can and try to stay on the
surface when you can. Other than that, the zone isn't extremely hard. The
water slows you down, so be careful. Robotnik is pretty easy in Act 3. All
you have to do is get to the top of all his traps. When you do, he'll run
away, leaving you to finish the zone.

Star Light Zone
Watch out for the bombs, they're everywhere. Other than those bombs, it's
a pretty straightforward zone. To beat the Star Light zone boss, get on
one end of the spring that Robotnik doesn't drop the spike ball on. When he
drops the ball, it will bounce you up. Bounce up and over him and hit him
from the top. Eight hits puts him out.

Scrap Brain Zone
This isn't extremely hard but it isnt exactly easy either. Keep your wits about you though, or you'll be a
Sonic pancake in no time! There is no boss at the end of Act 3, which
strangely enough is an underwater area. At the end of Act 2 Robotnik sends
you plummeting into an underground area with water. Just remember to keep
getting enough air to survive.

The Final Zone
Here you must fight Robotnik for the final time. Stay in the far left or
far right corners and attack Robotnik when he appears. Be careful, or the
4 pistons he's hiding in will smash you. After the pistons try to cream you,
the red light will produce 4 white fireballs. Dodge them. The cycle repeats
itself. As always, after 8 hits the pistons will be destroyed. As Robotnik
flies off in his Egg-O-Matic, hit the ship to damage it and send Robotnik
crashing to the ground. Now sit back and watch the ending.

The Special Stage - The 3D Maze
To get to the Chaos Emerald special stage, have at least 50 rings when you
pass the Goal. A large ring will be there. Jump into it to go to the
special stage. It's a 360 rotating maze. Jump through it and search for
the Chaos Emerald. It will be encased in blocks that disappear when you
touch them. Get rid of the blocks and grab the Emerald to win! You also
can exit the stage by touching the Goal balls. When you get all 6 Emeralds
(there are only 6 in this game), you DON'T become Super Sonic. You just get
You just get to see the good version of the ending which isn't much anyway.