First Appearances: Mighty The Armadillo, Vector The Crocodile, Espio The Chameleon, Heavy, Bomb, Charmy Bee, Metal Sonic, Hyper Metal Sonic, Happyland Amusement Park, Renfield T. Rodent
Comic Adaption: Title: "The Chaos Effect"
Writer: Mike Kanterovich And Ken Penders
Artist: Art Mawhinney
Summary: Meet the Chaotix: Mighty The Armadillo, Vector The Crocodile, Espio The Chameleon, Heavy And Bomb, And Charmy Bee!!!! All the major Freedom Fighters on Mobius, it seems, have been invited to attend a party at the Happyland Amusement Park on The Floating Island! But things aren't on the up and up as the owner, Renfield T. Rodent, escorts Sonic and the Knothole gang into the hall of mirrors which promptly sucks them all into an alternate dimension and takes away Knuckles depleting his claws and shortening his locks!! Three guesses who's behind it all, and the first two don't count...Armed with a cache of stolen Power Gems Knuckles And The Chaotix start all the amusement park rides at once to get Robotnik's attention, and instead get Metal Sonic - Who gets a little power on his own, especially when he turns red and becomes Hyper Metal Sonic!!!!