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Knuckles' Chaotix

As Carnival Island, a high-tech amusement resort on Floating Island, prepares for its grand opening, it's Knuckles' job to make sure nothing goes wrong before the big event. Robotnik, however, has designs on the Power Emerald that fuels the entire park with electricity; and he plans to use his latest invention, the Combi Confiner, to keep any annoying heroes out of his way. When Knuckles returns from patrolling the far side of the island, he finds that Robotnik has frozen all of his friends in the Combi Confiner, but by using Ring Power, he can rescue one friend at a time. It's now up to Knuckles and the Chaotix to stop the Eggman before Carnival Island's opening day....Knuckles chaotix re-introduces Mighty The Armadillo from Sonic Arcade, Espio The Chameleon, Charmy Bee, and Vector The Crocodile! released on the now defunct Sega 32X few, if any have ever played this game. But there's a rumor that it may be released on the upcoming Sonic Jam 2....

Isolated Island Zone
Botanic Base Zone
Speed Slider Zone
Amazing Arena Zone
Marina Madness Zone
Techno Tower Zone

Knuckles Chaotix - Sega 32X

Game Codes Courtesy Of Secrets Of The Game Sages

The Code Bank

Different Music In Techno Tower

In Techno-Tower Zone, Acts 1 and 2, go in a bonus stage, then leave. Right when the screen goes from white to the zone, PRESS PAUSE IMMEDIATELY! This will let you play with different music from another Zone for the rest of the act!

Playing Tips

When choosing characters it's best to consider what you need for the next level. For example, if you're after raw speed the combination of Mighty and Espio can't be beat. For power, Heavy and Espieo are your best bet, and for moments when you need both (like fighting bosses) try Charmie and Heavy.

No More Bungee In Marina Madness !!!!

In Marina Madness Zone, get rid of your partner. Then quickly find a yellow ship button that will move a ship. Step on it, and you will play without the bungee cord for the rest of the act.

Tempo Control

On the Sound Test screen you can use buttons X and Y to select MONO or STEREO sound and change the tempo of the music.

First Appearances: Mighty The Armadillo, Vector The Crocodile, Espio The Chameleon, Heavy, Bomb, Charmy Bee, Metal Sonic, Hyper Metal Sonic, Happyland Amusement Park, Renfield T. Rodent

Comic Adaption: Title: "The Chaos Effect"
Writer: Mike Kanterovich And Ken Penders
Artist: Art Mawhinney

Summary: Meet the Chaotix: Mighty The Armadillo, Vector The Crocodile, Espio The Chameleon, Heavy And Bomb, And Charmy Bee!!!! All the major Freedom Fighters on Mobius, it seems, have been invited to attend a party at the Happyland Amusement Park on The Floating Island! But things aren't on the up and up as the owner, Renfield T. Rodent, escorts Sonic and the Knothole gang into the hall of mirrors which promptly sucks them all into an alternate dimension and takes away Knuckles depleting his claws and shortening his locks!! Three guesses who's behind it all, and the first two don't count...Armed with a cache of stolen Power Gems Knuckles And The Chaotix start all the amusement park rides at once to get Robotnik's attention, and instead get Metal Sonic - Who gets a little power on his own, especially when he turns red and becomes Hyper Metal Sonic!!!!

Various Screenshots

As much as I'm clamoring for one we have NO 32X walkthrough due to the fact that - well, NONE of us have ever played it - the 32X was JUST that bad with Knux Chaotix being its only REAL GOOD game....Here are some screenshots to tide you all over but if you're willing to type out a walkthrough for us and submit it we'll be glad to give you the credit where credit is due!