Koichi Takagi


To secure a leadership position in an engineering or operations research field.


Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude and Honors, May 1999. Major: Systems Engineering, Software Option.GPA- 3.79

Work Experience:

(8/95 - Present) Student, Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program Scholarship

(2/92 - 8/95) United States Marine Corps

(8/91 - 2/92) Sprint, Inc.

(8/89 - 8/92) Office of the Vice President, Rice University

(5/90 - 7/90) Arizona Department of Water Resources

(8/89 - 8/92) Athletics Office, Rice University

(3/87 - 8/89) Tokyo Express Restaurants


Secretary of the Navy's Distinguished Midshipman Graduate, 1999.Institute of Industrial Engineers and SIE Department Outstanding Senior,1998-1999. SIE Department's A. Wayne Wymore Award for Excellence in Systemsand Industrial Engineering. UofA NROTC Student of the Semester,Spring 1997. Navy League Outstanding Senior Award, 1999. USAA Spirit Award,1999.
Reuben Myron Winslow Scholarship,1998; Goodwin-Campbell Scholarship, 1997;Frank H. Buchella Scholarship, 1996; Spirit of Achievement Scholarship,1996, 1998.
Two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, Two Good Conduct Medals, and Six Meritorious Masts, 1992-1998.

Activities/ Honors:

University of Arizona Honors Society
Tau Beta Pi EngineeringHonors Society
Semper Fi Club Treasurer,1996-97; President, 1998-99.

Computer Skills:

Proficiency in MS-DOS, Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000 workstation and server administration, Apple MacOS 7/8/9/OS X, and UNIX operating systems; Photoshop, Illustrator, Word, Excel, and other business applications; programming in Java, Pascal, FORTRAN, 68000 Assembly, C++, HTML, Delphi, Visual dBASE, dBASE III+, MATLAB; Windows PC and Macintosh hardware and networking set-up and maintenance.

Other Skills:

Spanish, oral and written fluency. Japanese, basic conversational ability. Red Cross Water Safety Instructor.