Robert Todd Lincoln

Robert Todd Lincoln, Abraham and Mary Todd's first child, was born August 1,
1843. Robert, who was named for his mother's father, was born in downtown
Springfield, Illinois, in the Globe Tavern (pictured to the right; Illinois State
Historical Library photograph) where the Lincolns lived after their marriage in
1842. The Globe Tavern was an unsuitable place for a couple with a baby, and
the Lincolns moved in the fall to a frame cottage at 214 S. Fourth Street. In
1844 the family purchased a home from Dr. Charles Dresser, the Episcopal
minister who had married them. This would prove to be the only home the
couple ever owned.

As a child in Springfield, Robert attended an academy operated by a man
named Esterbrook. In 1853, Robert enrolled in the Illinois State University (in Springfield) which was a
preparatory school with four instructors. Apparently the studies weren't difficult. In Robert's own words,
"We did just what pleased us, study consuming only a very small portion of our time." In 1859 Robert
applied to Harvard, but he failed its entrance examinations. It was apparent his education in Springfield
was quite deficient.

To better prepare himself for Harvard, Robert enrolled at Philips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New
Hampshire, on September 15, 1859. The Academy at Exeter was a famous preparatory school. His father
visited him during the early part of 1860. After his year at Exeter, Robert was accepted at Harvard and
became a member of the Class of 1864.

Robert spent the next four years at Harvard. He saw his family on vacations. Harvard was a much smaller
school in the 1860's than it is now. Of the 99 graduates in July of 1864, Robert ranked 32nd. After
graduation, he enrolled at Harvard Law School.

Robert spent only a short period of time at the Harvard Law School. It isn't exactly clear why he left. By
the end of the year he was living at the White House. Early in 1865 (after his father had written Ulysses S.
Grant a letter) Robert joined General Grant's staff as a captain. Captain Lincoln's main duty as an army
officer was that of escorting visitors to various locations. Additionally, he was present at Appomattox
when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant.

On the morning of the day his father was assassinated, Robert was back in Washington and had breakfast
with his family. Robert discussed the war with the President. That evening Robert was in his room at the
White House when news that his father had been shot reached him. He departed immediately and spent the
night at his father's bedside and comforting his mother. The end came at 7:22 A.M. on April 15, 1865.
Robert spent most of the next several weeks at the White House attempting to console Mary Todd and his
younger brother, Tad.

In May of 1865 the Lincolns boarded a train for Chicago. Robert would be a Chicago resident for the next
46 years. Robert lived with his mother until the spring of 1867. He took courses at the University of
Chicago and was admitted to the bar on February 25, 1867. He was
now a full-fledged lawyer. In 1868 Robert married Mary Eunice
Harlan (pictured to the left; Iowa Wesleyan College photograph).
The marriage produced three children (pictured to the right;
Chicago Historical Society photograph): Mary (born on October 15,
1869), Abraham who was nicknamed "Jack" (born on August 14,
1873), and Jessie (born on November 6, 1875). Mary Lincoln, who
lived until 1938, married Charles Isham, son of Robert's law
partner. They had one son, Lincoln Isham (1892-1971) who never
married and had no children. Abraham "Jack" Lincoln II died in
1890 while the family was in England during Robert's tenure as our
minister there. Jessie Harlan Lincoln, who lived until 1948, married Warren Beckwith in 1897, and they had
two children, Mary "Peggy" Beckwith (1898-1975) and Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith (1904-1985), both of
whom never had any children. Robert's wife, Mary, was shy and often sickly.

By 1875 Robert had become extremely concerned with his mother's mental state. He instigated an insanity
hearing which led to her being committed to a sanitarium for a short time. Robert testified against his
mother at the trial. Mary Todd despised Robert's actions and accused him being after her money. For
more on Mary Todd's insanity trial CLICK HERE.

During the 1870's Robert became an established and successful lawyer. In 1877 he turned down President
Rutherford B. Hayes' offer to appoint him Assistant Secretary of State. In 1881 he accepted President
James Garfield's appointment as Secretary of War. He served in that role until 1885. In 1889 President
Benjamin Harrison appointed him minister to England, and he spent the next four years in that position.
Robert's name was discussed as a potential Republican presidential candidate in 1884, 1888, 1892, and
1912, but Robert never sought the position.

After George Pullman's death in 1897 Robert became acting president of the Pullman Company. He became
the permanent president in 1901. He served in this capacity until 1911 when he resigned as president and
was named chairman of the board. He continued in that position until January 14, 1922.

In 1902 Robert purchased several hundred acres of land in Manchester, Vermont. On this property he built a country
mansion called Hildene for use as a summer home. (The photograph of Hildene comes from a pamphlet published by the
Friends of Hildene, Inc., a Vermont not-for-profit corporation. Guided tours of Hildene take place from Mid-May through
October). The estate included gardens, lawns, and woodlands. When staying at Hildene Robert especially enjoyed golf and
amateur astronomy. In 1911 Robert sold his home in Chicago and bought a magnificent three story colonial brick mansion in
Washington, D.C. From this time on it was Robert's custom to go to Hildene in the spring and return to Washington in the fall.
The Lincolns made the trip back and forth in their private Pullman car called "Advance." Hildene remained in the Lincoln
family until 1975. For more information on Hildene, CLICK HERE.

Robert made his last major public appearance on May 30, 1922. The occasion was the dedication of the
Lincoln Memorial. Among others, President Warren G. Harding and Chief Justice William Howard Taft
spoke during the ceremonies. (Robert is pictured with Taft and Harding in the Library of Congress
photo to the right). The memorial certainly pleased Robert. He was always very proud of the various
honors paid to his famous father.

On May 11, 1926, the Lincolns continued their normal routine of traveling from Washington to Hildene for
the summer. On Sunday, July 25, 1926, Robert went to bed as usual, but when the butler entered the
bedroom the next morning he found that Robert had passed away during the night. According to Robert's
physician, he had suffered a "cerebral hemorrhage induced by arteriosclerosis." Robert was 82. Private
funeral services were held at Hildene. Robert was
not buried in the Lincoln Tomb in Springfield. His remains were temporarily buried in a plot in Manchester,
but his final internment occurred on March 14, 1928, at Arlington National Cemetery. Robert's widow, Mary
Harlan Lincoln, lived until March 31, 1937, and she was also buried in Arlington.

After many years of mystery, the reasons why Robert was buried in Arlington rather than the Lincoln Tomb
were revealed in an excellent article in the Summer, 1998, edition of Lincoln Lore. (Lincoln Lore is the
quarterly bulletin of The Lincoln Museum). Using a previously unknown letter held in a private collection as
their source, authors Gerald D. Swick and Donna D. McCreary reveal that it was Mary Harlan Lincoln's sole
decision to have Robert interred at Arlington. In a letter to Katherine Helm, Robert's cousin, Mary
revealed that she felt Robert "was a personage, made his own history, independently (underlined 5 times)
of his great father, and should have his own place 'in the sun'!" Robert was eligible for burial in Arlington
because of his brief service in the Civil War and his service as Secretary of War. In the words of Swick
and McCreary, Mary therefore made the decision "to give her husband the honor she felt he deserved." If
you are interested in viewing Robert's grave at Arlington, CLICK HERE.

This information provided by the Abraham Lincoln Research Site.