Welcome To Matt's Genealogy Site

Some common surnames included on this site are: Beers, Duguay,
Gallimore, Lincoln, LaRoche, McGee, Newman, Snyder, Turner, Young

If anyone has any info on the parents of GeorgeMcGee, please send it to me.



Hopefully soon I will be getitng pictures on here.
My Internet Tree

Cindi's List
Genealogy Pages
The Morman Genealogy
The tree from Walter McGee and Sarah Hunt.
The tree from Andrew Johnson McGee (he is a grandson of Walter) and Micah Ann Burnett.
The tree from Isaac LaRoche and Marie Louise Perkins.
The tree from John William Newman and Lucinda Elizabeth Howell

McGee Duguay Lincoln Todd
Edward McGee Joseph Norman Duguay Abraham Lincoln Mary Ann Todd
Patricia Anne McGee Francois Xavier Duguay Robert Lincoln
Matthew Paul Duguay Eddie Lincoln
Willie Lincoln
Thomas "Tad" Lincoln

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