My name is Shaimaa..
My family calls me Shemo, and friends calls me Shampoo ..
I live in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia
I'm studying at Toyack primary school in Riyadh
My family contains of cource a Mum and a Dad.
My brother (Mohammed) is the oldest.. married with 2 kids
My eldest sister is Afraa "The Super Mom", she's married with 4 kids.
so that makes me an auntie of 6 ^_^
Then "The one in a Million", she's smart & very energetic... she helped me with this page.
Finally Esraa "The Sweetest".. she is quite & wise girl
Wonder howcome we are sisters
BIRTHDAY: 30th of September,
1988 in Riyadh
ASTROLOGY SIGN: Libra .. Just like
Sailor Venus
Click here
to see things I like and hate..
is my photo
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