Japanese Animation
I am interested in Japanese Animation.. my favorate are listed below...



RANMA1/2 is one of my favorate cartoons (Japanese animation) it's a story of a 16 years old boy named Ranma he was on a journey with his father .. By cold water Ranma changes to a young girl with red hair and blue eyes. With hot water he turns back normal . You will see a lot of characters in Ranma1/2 like Akane -his fiancée- .. well he has a lots of fiancées like Shampoo, Ukya , and Kdatsha. 

Akane is my fave character in RANMA 

To see cool pictures click here
Here are more sites I recommend 
Ranma1/2 characters Gallary
Profile of the characters in RANMA1/2
Free Ranma1/2 E-cards

A picture of RANMA & friends 
Sailor Moon

Sailor moon is my favorate cartoon. It's a story of a girl named Sarena (Bunny in French). Sarena is an ordinary 14-yerars old girl, discovered that she's really sailor moon, a super hero with an extraordinay past that goes back 1,000 years ! but the evil forces are chasing her so she escaped from the moon. Now her job is to save Earth from the evil forses. There are a lot of characters like sailor Venus(she's my favorate) sailor Mercury,sailor Mars, sailor Juptier, and a lot more. 

For more cool pictures click here

I share the same Astrological sign with Sailor Venus (Mina).. 

Here are more sites I recommend 
Sailor Mercury Image Gallery
Sailor Moon's funny faces
Songs & Video clips

This picture of all characters
Pokémon ! you gotta catch em all

Discover the amazing world of Pokémon, an amazing creature (pet) with various powers beyond belief. 

Ash Ketchum is a Pokémon trainer. With the help of his first Pokémon (Pikauchu) & friends he wants to become the best Pokemon master by seraching for all 150 Pokmons (he's gotta catch em all) 

For more pokemon pictures, click here
Here are more sites I recommend 
Pikauchu, Ash & Misty pictures

Ash & Pikauchu 
You're under arrest 
Taiho Shicauzo! 

A funny adventures of two Tokyo police women. Miyuki with long hair, and Natsumi with short hair. 

For more pictures, click here
Here are more sites I recommend 
Character descriptions
Taiho Shichauzo
Anime Cafe

Miyuki and Natsumi and ken


In year 2015, Tokyo-3 is attacked by group of angels where only Evangelions can stop them. Evangelion are giant robots secretly built by a group of scientists. 
Each evavangelion has fear, weakness, and feelings much like humans. 
Shinji, Rei & Asuka, each with her long sad past, works robots mentally, 
This episode has a unhappy ending .. don't miss it :,( 

For evangelion pictures, click here

Other cool sites
Full information & character description

                         Evangelion characters

                                                     NEW.. don't miss
                                                  Kodomo no omocha

Kodomo no omocha is a cartoon diffruent cartoon from other cartoons it's about friendship,love and sadness of young children..
The main character is Sana-chan, a child actress who stars in a TV show for child actors called "Kodomo no Omocha." In real life she also goes to elementary school, where she's in 6th grade. Her female classmates love her, but her male classmates are mostly under the control of one Hayama Akito, a cold, calculating, unemotional jerk. He's got some dirt on the teachers that allows him and his little monkey brigade to trash the class if they want. Sana, an honest, kind and good person (if not always that bright upstairs) can't stand what he's doing, so after annoucing is crimes on national television, she thinks of several ways to get him to stop his evil ways. Her schemes don't exactly work, but they're good for a laugh, and she starts to find out more about this mysterious boy.

For pictures, click here



More of my fave Japanese Animation Coming Up .. come back soon