Can you crack the password?
Here we go... we have a secret password... can you guess what it is? Can you hack into our website and sneak a peek at the password? Can you prove that this is not beyond a doubt the best password protection method for a noncommercial nonprofit social club such as Mensa? We don't think so! Contact us if you've cracked the password...
If your browser cannot read JavaScript (either by choice or circumstance), try typing the following web address into your address or location field:
where "PASSWORD" is replaced by the password.
We think this is the best!
Why do we think this is the best? Here's why:
- You don't need fancy SSL or CGI or ASP or DHTML or suchlike.
- No-body can crack it (except by guessing... but try guessing a password like "fastyellowtaxi444").
- You can change the password daily or weekly or monthly or as often as you like (you'll have to inform people of the new password). All you need to do is rename the subdirectory in which the member-only pages are stored.
- No need for members to remember a username-password combination... just a single password.
- Even if people don't have JavaScript enabled, they will still be able to view the secret pages (they'll have to type in the URL (web address) manually).
This password was cracked! Congrats the following people:
- Mike Traum, on 2000-10-10 05:21