the unofficial #afrikaans website ... the afrikaans channel of ...
[ this entire site and all essential graphics can be downloaded as a single zipped file, (32 kb) ]
Welcome to the unofficial #afrikaans website. We'll say as little as possible, but simply let you launch yourself into the following sections. All comments and feedback greatly appreciated. Report ops abuse, please. DISCLAIMER: do not continue unless you have a sense of humour. All information is provided without guarentee of accuracy, but generally you can trust us. Also, don't forget to SIGN OUR GUESTBOOK, and later you can read our guestbook. I'm Jilll.
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9600 baud users: visit our sitemap. Site under construction. Awaiting official launch.
Sections finished: this page, and how to get ops.
Okay... here's what we'll have...
These gifs will be image maps. The site will be in English. Its aim will be both humour and information. I'm Jilll, what does that tell you? The site will be written as a dead site, future compatible to about 2001. Updates will be optional. People who want to have their information and biographies etc listed here are welcome to send all relevant information. In case we decide not to make the images image maps we'll have every image link to a page with subsections (not preferred).
Explanation of sections...
"The quick guide on how to..." is just that. It is a sarcastic way of telling people how to behave (by telling them how not to behave). "kicked" means kicked from the channel, "banned" means banned from the channel, "k-lined" means barred from the network, "ops" refers to opsbegging, "lost" we'll decide later (possibly a section on nick registration), "confused" we'll decide later too (possibly a section on nickswapping), "laid" refers to cybersex, and "raped" will be a section on how not to arrange your first irl meet.
"Republicans and sinners..." is a section explaining the intricacies of channel politics. "network politics" refers to internal strife (plus a possible primer on ircops abuse), "channel politics" is a brief primer on #afrikaans politics, "our ancient history" will give some background into the current state of affairs, "democrats" mean the pro-Somethings, "republicans" mean the anti-Somethings, "liberals" mean the pro-Somethings of last year (this year they are small fry), "ordinary people" mean non-involved regulars.
"The official sites..." are just that. It is links to the other #afrikaans sites and postlists, not in any particular order. Well, from old to new and from new to old, if you must know.
"Geek-geek, said the gecko..." is a primer on various IRC related things, for newbies. "log collectors" refers to how to log your chats (and how not to log them), "age sex location" is a primer on netiquette and how not the be annoying, "peer and his pals" is an explanation of how you can get disconnected (including nukes), "cyber etiquette" is just that, "ex vs discretion" aims to educate people not to skinner and spread half truthes, facks, faqs and fags" is a short FAQ on misc IRC matters (such as language and smileys).
"Irrelevant disinformation..." is the out of date dated section. "of gods and heroes" will be interviews with people, "class of '99. nineteen '99." is a list of people who chat, with their asl's and pictures and things (it could develop into something big, but probably not -- we could also make a "non-ops" list of people (as soos as you get ops, we delete you)), "scmoperators" is a brief introduction into the various operators and their fetishes, "recent meets" will be very short reports on recent meets, "sister channels" are links to other #afrikaans channels (as well as zanet channels most other #afrikaans folk frequent), "the graffiti wall" could be a webboard (we'll decide later), and "miscs and links" are just that.
That's basically it. If I query you and ask "are you new to #afrikaans" and you're not, don't kill me. I'm just making advertisement for my newbies' site.
Gillian Sommers, webmaster, 1999-09-23.