Welcome to the Coinquay web presence -- / -- Welkom by die Coinquay webpraesens (Somrkin)

This page contains a short poem, not my own. Mayhap it's a well known poem by an established author, mayhap it's credited to the commented out author in the source. This page is part of a larger website, the Coinquay web presence. Click the coinquay graphic to return to the main page. You can also reach the main page with the url http://ey.to.hey.to/.

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... Somrkin

Net 'n Somerkindjie

Sy was 'n deel van daardie somer,
Ek was 'n eensaam digter dromer,
Maar ons was jonk, en ons was bly,
toe grassies groen oor veld en vlei.

Rooi vinke swier en swaai in blye
Langpandmanel deur riete en vleie,
Ons harte't saam getierelier,
met al die voels wat bruilof vier.

Sy was 'n brokkie somerlewe,
nes voels en blomme in die drewe
En sy moes heen - ek wis dit al -
As d'eerste rooibruin blaartjie val

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(c) 1999 Samuel Murray

http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest /Dell/6414/somrkin.html
cache/somrkin.html (new url)
http://ey.to.hey.to/ (url forwarding) then cache/somrkin.html

Page created: 1999-08-30
Page revised: 1999-08-30
Page updated: 1999-12-07

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