Welcome to the Coinquay web presence -- / -- Welkom by die Coinquay webpraesens (DieHoere)

This page contains a short poem, not my own. The supposid author's name is commented out in the source. This page is part of a larger website, the Coinquay web presence. Click the coinquay graphic to return to the main page. You can also reach the main page with the url http://ey.to.hey.to/.

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... DieHoere

hy leef by sy ma. sy gee vir hom kos en klere
wat hy vir kwaatgeld verkoop.
hy ken al die paaie,
na nanag se plekke - waar hoere op tuinmure sit en waartlemoen

Site Meter
free afrikaans hosting
1000 afrikaans links
many afrikaans links
quite a few afrikaans links
the afrikaans crow's nest, 500 links
afrikaans / english translation
html writers' guild

(c) 1999 Samuel Murray

http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest /Dell/6414/cache/diehoere.html
http://www.geocities.com/lacialacia /cache/diehoere.html (new url)
http://ey.to.hey.to/ (url forwarding) then cache/diehoere.html

Page created: 1999-08-30
Page revised: 1999-08-30
Page updated: 1999-12-07

Founts used: Maiandra, Papyrus, OCR A Extended, Viner Hand, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma. Graphics designed using: MS Paint w95 (drawing), MS Photo Editor 3.0 (to convert to gif and jpg), ACDSee 2.41 (viewing). File compression using: WinRAR 2.50. Html written using: Arachnophilia 3.9. Total time used: (not available yet).

Site layout optimised for printing. Best viewed with any 3rd generation browser at 480x640 resolution or higher. A zip-archive of this entire site is available as eytoheyto1.zip (379 kb) and eytoheyto2.zip (427 kb).

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