Read other peoples suggestions.

If you walk from the beginning ot the Shee ah Rea down a small, winding dirt path, you'll find a clearing with a steep hill in the center.
On the top of the hill is a large, stone castle.

The castle is older than you could ever imagine. Older than your great great grandfathers great great grandfather.
Walk into the castle, open the large double doors and you'll find yourself in a great room with a large red carpet leading down to 2 thrones.
This is where the rulers of the Shee ah Rea listen to the suggestions of the visitors of the Shee ah Rea.

Would you also like to suggest something? Perhaps you have an idea for a new story? Or maybe theres something else you'd like to see at the Shee ah Rea? If so, fill out the form at the bottom of this page and send it to Jessica, the creator of the Shee ah Rea and she will have a look and do her best to make it happen!

Or you can go and read other people's suggestions.

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Suggestion:

Here are the suggestions already submitted to the Shee ah Rea and the responses I gave.

(NAME) Eithne
(question/suggestion) Can others become members on Shee ah Rea or is this island exclusive?

My Response:
Well, not just anyone can be in the shee ah rea but what you can do is if you have an idea for a new characture, you can write up something about the characture, their history and what their part is in the story and send it to me, the author, and i'll look it over and if i think it'd fit in really good, I'll write them into the story somehow!

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