a new layout and a new start. or so i like to think, anyway. i'm well aware that very few people ever visit this site, but if you're one of the few... well, i'm not quite sure what to say. thanks for visiting. you must be really bored. drop me a line and let me know what you think.
as a part of the ongoing evolution of this site, i've actually edited the content and forced myself to part with some of my incredibly cheezy older pages. the result? a less cheezy website, i suppose. i figure i won't ever update this once i start school, so i'm trying to find a layout i can live with until next summer.
yeah, so look around, be amused by my exorbitant ramblings, and let me know if i've somehow messed up the html and the site's not working (entirely possible).
i remain, gentlemen (and ladies), your obedient servant,