General Information

As you know, rabbit's enjoy lots of greenery and veggies. But what you should know is that large amounts of greens, such as, lettuce, broccoli and most weeds can be harmful to your rabbit.

For instance, if you feed your rabbit half a head of lettuce at one time your rabbit will probably get sick, like stomach pains, nausea, or diarrhea. This is because their stomachs are very small and need the right balance of greens and protein, found in rabbit pellets.

The best veggies to give to your rabbit are probably carrots (peels are usually pretty good because they are easy to swallow and digest.) Apples, (this is probably one of the best things you can feed your rabbit because of the vitamin-C and great taste.), potatoes, and for a little treat sometimes, they LOVE rasberries!

All of these make great snacks just make sure not give everyday just every two to three days to make sure the rabbit gets enough pellets, too!

Learn More About Rabbit Nutrition...

Feeding Your Rabbit

Feed, Water and Hay

Good and Bad Plant List!

If you think your rabbit or any other pet has ingested a poisonous plant contact The ASPCA's National Animal Poison Control Center. It is staffed by vets and toxicologists who have information specific to many types of domestic animals, both pets and livestock. You (or your vet) can call with a question about any type of suspected poisoning, drugs, chemicals, plants, metals. There is a fee for this service.

1-800-548-2423 $30 per case (credit card or charge to your phone bill)

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