Welcome! If you would like one of these colourful creations of life, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page(which is out of order) Thanks!
 | This is one of my FAVOURITES, he was easy to make, but hard to draw, it can be a he or a she, whatever you like! :0)
 | This is just a bunch of 3d graphics i made, and i turned it into, well, a bird or something!
 | Cute eh? :) yeah, This one's new!
Gotchas are just like Tamugotchi's, Nano's, Gaga pets, and so on, BUT they're on the net. You can only have one Gotcha(tm) pet each, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for my other pets! If you want a Gotcha(tm)please fill out the form(out of order) I will email you your pet and it's certificate! Enjoy! |
 | If you adopt a pet, you HAVE to put this AND a certificate on your page, the certificate maybe to a page that is all about your pet or back to THIS PAGE, and this graphic ALWAYS gets linked to loumages graphics main page
Please do not steal my precious pets! If you get caught, i won't be very happy! -Thanks