I've got four awards to give out, take a look. Also, if you're filling out the form for one of my awards, in the "deserve" part, please tell me which one you'd like

Want to see my latest awards i've won? Ok Then..go!

What does your page need?

1. Most of the links should work
2. Lots of GREAT images (maybe some by me..?)
3. Clean, as in NO PRONO! No swearing, fit for kids!
4. Well organized, makes sence
5. For personal pages, I like lots of info on the owner, well organized
6. I HATE pages that take tooooooo long to load, i hate em!
7. I don't MIND frames, but you'll have a better chance to win without them, but try anyways!
You should be original..
9. If you want the graphics award, you must have a graphics page!!!
10. If you want the smiley award, you have to have a REALLY good page (and i mean really good!) but try for it!

Ready? Remember to say which one you want!





Do you use my graphics?

Why do you think you deserve this award?

Click Here to see who has recieved these awards ;0)

Thank you all that have given me awards, I haven't put any awards up for so long. If you have given me one, and it isn't up, PLEASE tell me! :)

Thanks Kim!

This means he was bored until he came here, just to clearafy that!

From Cory..thanks

From Cory, again...thanks...again...

Thanks Menium! Though my page isn't useless...

Lucy in the Sky- The Beatles

This page has recieved 23 awards

More Awards!

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