1. how old are you? 12 and almost 13!! and i'm female before you ask 2. What's your favorite show? Simpsons!! Southpark, Seinfield, Damon, umm...I like much music 3. Can you dance? No, no i can't, some people call me clumsy because i'm so tall...oh well! 4. Do you have any pets? I have a black standard male poodle, and 6 dead gerbils *giggle* We're getting another standard black poodle also, this time female! 5. What games do you like or have? Diablo (well, used to), Myst,Riven(the sequal to myst),You don't know jack 1 and 2, You don't know jack net game, Acrophobia 6. Have you seen any good movies lately? umm, yes! i have! i saw "Titanic"(well, that's not lately, but still), "Deep Impact", "Spice World", "Lost in Space" and about to go see "Godzilla" 7. How many friend do you have? hmm, that's a hard question! uh, over 25 in real life, and over 20 in cyber space, i guess 8. what's your favorite number? five 9. Hobbies? Internet, computer(graphics making), BASKETBALL!, Diablo(used to), Acrophobia, homepage, nintendo64, friends, TV, homework(don't ask), hangin', eating, moving around... 10. what's your favorite food? potatoes, lasagna, lots more and junk food 11. What bands do you like? ChumbaWamba!, The Buggles(don't ask, ok?), Weird Al(not anymore, but used to), Jazz, SLOAN ROCKS!!!!!! matchbox20 12. Do you play anything? Yeah, i play tag! *lol* umm, the piano, a little guitar, the kazoo, and the telephone 13. is 13 an unlucky number to you? uh, no 14. Why not? My birthday is on the 13th of August, and i've never had an unlucky birthday 15. What sports are you into? BASKETBALL ROCKS OK?? IT IS THE BEST SPORT! HA HA HA!!, soccer(a bit), hockey sucks, football sucks, swimming rox, any kind of skiing, tubing(winter and summer), going to Disney World!(i now declare that disney world is a sport) 16. How tall are you? 5'11, AND PROUND OF IT!! I'm REALLY that tall, and i'm NOT lying!! 17. Do you listen to LOUD LOUD music? No...OF COURSE I DO!! i listen to ChumbaWamba full blast..i HATE tubthumping! arrrggg...i'm actually blasting the speakers now, and sloan, Money City Maniacs, Ray of Light, Madonna...etc
18. are you good in school? yep...sure am!
19. do any guys like you in your class nope..
20. what's your real name? Just call me Kat...or Lou
