Welcome! Toast guestbooks aren't working, and i thought i'd try out this geobook so i did, first it didn't work..but now it does..i don't know what i did wrong! Anywho..please submit any comments..maybe you need help with graphics and you dont wan to email me..so just leave a message here..WITH some way of letting me contact you..like a homepage with an email or guestbook or whatever on it...THANKS! *Lou* :0)

kat...errrr..lou - 04/03/00 21:56:58
Email: kat@deliveryman.com
do you use my graphics?: yes
why or why not?: cause i made em. yo.
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: i haven't been here forever im such a dumb...person

I haven't updated this thing for 2 years. Holy crap. I loved this site, and now it's dead. Maybe I should keep it alive. I haven't made graphics for what...hmmm...6 months. dah well. that's highschool for you. damn. i gotta look at this site. holy crap. im so dumb for not coming her earlier. crap.

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 01:43:29
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 20:53:08
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 02:29:48
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 23:11:15
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

Kimberly - 06/22/99 20:10:18
My URL:http://jump.to/kimberly
My Email:Kim's Page
Email: kimtaylor@geocities.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: i didnt want to
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: to see what's up.. i havent talked to you forever

Hey, cool page! I've always loved it. I havent talked to you forever, do you still go on ICQ? You got deleted off of mine and I wasnt on forever, but I just added you back onto my list, so hope to see you on again. I wonder, do you even remember me? Im Ki , aka Kimi or Kimberly. Anywayz i relly like your page and your graphix. Stop bye and visit my page sometime and sign my books!

At my page, there are pictures of myself and my dogs, a place to sign up for a free banner (that I make), and much more!

Please email me!

Or page me over ICQ! My number is 1845245.
My communication center at ICQ.


Chalupa - 02/07/99 00:05:55
My URL:http://www.epix.net/~wagner/
My Email:ChalupaLand
Email: wagner@epix.net
do you use my graphics?: mm-hm :)
why or why not?: because theyre spiffy!
Do you like them?: yeeeaaah!
Have you been to my page before?: of course
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: cause i like it

heya lou :) long time no talk! hehe... i love this page!! i'm taking some of your graphics. thanks for the link, too, i feel very privilaged to be part of the loumages graphics thingy! wellp .. keep it spiffy :)

Nicole - 01/19/99 15:51:35
My URL:http://www.nicole.net/
My Email:Nicole's Secret World
Email: nicole@49.com
do you use my graphics?: No...didn't you say not to?
Do you like them?: Absolutely!
Have you been to my page before?: Never before
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: You signed someone's guestbook.

I'm in shock. This is incredible! You're only 12 and you make professional pages! Your graphics are outstanding, I loved your animations. Your signs are excellent too. And, I went to your colour page and it's the best I've ever seen. I'm going to pl ce it on my "links" page. Congratulations on such exceptional work.

Scarlette - 11/26/98 02:34:20
My URL:http://fly.to/ScarlettesRealm
My Email:Scarlette's Realm
Email: lostvalley@excite.com
do you use my graphics?: Not yet
why or why not?: cause I just found your page
Do you like them?: Yes, you are very talented
Have you been to my page before?: No
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: Today is 11/25/98 and I have you bookmarked

I love your page layout! Please come and visit my page so I can get some comments from you. My page has been around for a little over a year now and I have just gotten started into making graphics. I would love to win one of your awards but my page is in o condition to do so. Please stop by, you won't be dissapointed. Thanks for the look around your site.


Triyal/Edith - 10/26/98 05:39:12
My URL:http://www.dazed.org
My Email:Dazed.org
Email: edith@dazed.org
do you use my graphics?: nope
why or why not?: didn't come here 4 them =)
Do you like them?: yep
Have you been to my page before?: yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: to leave a message

Hi again! sure I remember you, and yes I did get the domain. www.dazed.org if you want to see it. (guestbooks: the handy way to communicate hehe) --Edith

Sunshiney - 10/18/98 14:12:48
My URL:/SiliconValley/Lab/5481/
My Email:* Sunshiney's Tribute to Darkness *
Email: sunshiney@geocities.com
do you use my graphics?: Nope....
why or why not?: I make my own.
Do you like them?: I really do.
Have you been to my page before?: Nope. First time.


This page is Great!
I love the design. Cool graphics...
Sunshiney's Tribute to Darkness< A> Sunshiney Cyber-Adoptions

Triyal - 10/11/98 08:17:09
My URL:http://www.eccentrica.org/starz
My Email:Unmarked
Email: abarca@speednet.com.au
do you use my graphics?: nope
why or why not?: 'cos i make my own =) your graphics rule though
Do you like them?: yep
Have you been to my page before?: nope
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: because of the eccentrica message board

hi! here's what my domains going to be called...remem. it's not up yet...still trying to decide which host to go with!! it'll most likely be called www.dazed.org, unless I change my mind...but that's pretty unlikely... --Triyal

Fairy Fanasie - 07/29/98 04:09:02
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:Realm of D'Fairy
Email: sissi@fantasyrealm.com

~*~Giggle~*~You have just been Fairy Dusted by Fanasie, one of the Delightful Site Fight Spirit Faeries! I'm here today to wish you good luck in The Site Fights and to give your site a "Spirit Check". Please don't forget to show your spirit, pass the spirit stick along to your team mates and post a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT! and Let the Cheers Begin! ~*~Giggle~*~

IrishTwilight - 07/21/98 17:34:17
My URL:http://geocities.com/FashionAvenue/3513
Email: rdw@abts.net
do you use my graphics?: no
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: To Fairy Dust You! *S*


You have been ~~**~~*~sprinkled**~*~*~~*~~*
with DFairy Dust and DHappy Thots!
I am a Spirit Fairy here to glitter your site with DMagic and DLuck of DFights!
Please pass on this Spirit Stick to your fellow teammates!
To help show your spirit, be sure to post your loudest cheers at SHOUT IT OUT!
Have a blast and let DFriendship and DFun begin!
Fairy IrishTwilight has paid you a visit to twinkle and sprinkle you with a little LUCK of The Irish Dust!! So with all my fairy wishes i wish you LUCK in the site fights!! From The Realm of the Fairies!! Fantasy Fighters!!

Fairy Raen - 07/20/98 14:58:39
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/1749/
My Email:No More Hiding
Email: lucyferr@blueridge.net



DRealm of DFairy

~ You have been dusted by Fairy Raen, Spirit Fairy for the Site Fights! ~

~ Good luck in the fights and remember to have A LOT of spirit! ~

~ Post your cheers in SHOUT IT OUT! ~

~ Pass the Spirit Stick to others! ~
Site FightsFantasy FightersSite Fights
Adopt a Mascot ~ HAVE FUN ~ SHOUT IT OUT


~*~Lady Silvereyes Andromeda~*~ (Team Vamp!!!) - 07/17/98 21:44:33
My URL:/Area51/Chamber/9781/
My Email:The House of Andromeda
Email: Riatha@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: I have plently of graphics
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: To wish thee luck in the Site Fights


I'm here spreading Spirit and Cheer to my team mates... Here's a cheer to help thee out...

(Re-wording of the tune of "tonight, tonight" by Smashing Pumkins)

The Site Fight's are never really a fight at all,
You can never ever leave without making some friends to tell the truth,
And our lives are forever changed,
We will never be the same,
The more we change the more we grow...

believe, believe in me,
believe that life can change,
that your not stuck in vain,
we're not the same, we're Fantasy Fighters tonight,
Tonight, so bright,

And though of your voters you're never sure,
But your sure you COULD be right
That they're voting for you in the light
And the embers of hope never fade in your site...
And the place this Spirit was born...

believe, believe in me,
believe in the resolute urgency now to vote,
And if you believe there's not a chance tonight,
Tonight, so bright,

We'll banish the failing thoughts,
We'll make things right,
We'll feel the Spirit tonight,
We'll find a way to win the fights tonight,
The indescribable moments of the fights tonight,
The impossible is possible tonight,
Believe in me, as I believe in you,

Fairy Tink~R~Bell - 07/14/98 07:00:44
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:Realm of the Fairies
Email: fairy_tinkerbell@yahoo.com

You've come so far, you're almost there - Give it your all in the Wizard's Lair! A fighter you've been, a winner you'll be To the Dome you are bound, just wait and see! You've got what it takes to get to the top - Keep DSpirit a-flowing, don't let it stop! Lady Fairy Tink~R~Bell has come to sprinkle magic fairy dust your way to wish you luck - and just to say - The Site Fights is the place for fun And the Fantasy Fighters are Number One! So pass along a spirit stick And have yourself some fun Show your Spirit in all you do and DSpirit will be always with you! Hugz to you! ~Tink~

Spirit Katrina - 07/13/98 16:06:13
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof
My Email:DSpirit's Realm
Email: kat@bitsmart.com
do you use my graphics?: No..
why or why not?: I usually make my own :)
Do you like them?: Yup; they're very nice.
Have you been to my page before?: Yes...because you're a SL
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: This time, to dust. Last time, because I wanted to get to know the SLs and JLs better


Shout it Out

Cheer With Me!
Bring on your cheers
And shout it out with me!
It's not hard to make cheers
You'll learn quickly!

And if you really need help
That's what I'm here for
Or anything else spirit
Like pages - and more!

We need some cheers
So c'mon everyone
And fly over with me..
Join in the fun!

If you need help with your spirit, drop by the Spirits homepage and fill out our form! We have a great team of Spirits, and any of them would be happy to kee your spirit high!

DEssence of Katrina

Fairy IrishTwlight - 07/06/98 02:56:40
Email: rdw@abts.net
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: just here to fairy dust you! :o)
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: to wish u luck


You have been ~~**~~*~sprinkled**~*~*~~*~~*
with DFairy Dust and DHappy Thots!
I am a Spirit Fairy here to glitter your site with DMagic and DLuck of DFights!
Please pass on this Spirit Stick to your fellow teammates!
To help show your spirit, be sure to post your loudest cheers at SHOUT IT OUT!
Have a blast and let DFriendship and DFun begin!
Fairy IrishTwlight has paid you a visit to twinkle and sprinkle you with a little LUCK of The Irish Dust!! So with all my fairy wishes i wish you LUCK in the site fights!! From The Realm of the Fairys!! Fantasy Fighters!!

silverstar - 07/04/98 19:53:15
My URL:http://fly.to/wiccansphere
My Email:silverstar's wiccan sphere
Email: kennie14@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: not yet :-)
Do you like them?: yeap their kewl :-)
Have you been to my page before?: nope

You have a great page here. Good luck on the site fights :-) silverstar

Stefani - 07/04/98 13:46:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/1749/
My Email:No More Hiding
Email: lucyferr@blueridge.net


Good luck in the Fights!

If you would like to exchange votes then email me.


Wee One Titanic - 06/30/98 14:33:48
Email: TitanicTSL@aol.com
do you use my graphics?: No
why or why not?: This is my 1st time to this page.
Do you like them?: Yes.
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I am a Wee one in the Site Fights.


You have been visited by Wee one Titanic and her dolphin!

This is no ordinary dolphin this is my magical Wee One Dolphin, he has the power to give those with a lot of spirit the power of luck! If you are a very spirited personal he gives you good luck. If you don't we wish you good luck because you have a nice p ge! This dolphin's name is Mico, and Mico and I are Wee One Fantasy Fighters! We go around sighning Fantasy Fighter's G-Books. Especialy the one's we like!

I hope that your page has all the luck possible!

Mystic Man - 06/29/98 15:48:49
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Dell/5840
My Email:The Mystic Cave
Email: mysticman9@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: Yes
why or why not?: They are good
Do you like them?: Yes
Have you been to my page before?: Yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I like your page and to wish you luck in the site fights!!!!!!

Hey Lou! Good luck in the site fights even though I'm advertising for you and you aren't! lol Weeeeellll talk to ya later in ICQ! Maybe even now since your on!

Robert Haneberg - 06/27/98 23:35:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/cottage/1010
My Email:Wacky waldos homepage
Email: haneberg@one.net
do you use my graphics?: Yes
why or why not?: They are so cool
Do you like them?: Yes
Have you been to my page before?: Yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I love your graphics

I love all of your graphics thanx for the dou's too

Autumn - 06/26/98 19:26:39
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1896/
My Email:Autumn's Holiday Place!!!
Email: jawoodard@dekalb.net
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: make my own mostly
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: no

You have a great site. I found your page by way of the newsletter. I have not seen it all yet but what I see so far is impressive. Come see me sometime.

Lou - 06/23/98 22:39:57

Look, please don't put those kind of messages in my guestbook again! That was sooo mean! I didn't do anything, and i don't suck at graphics! If i did, i wouldn't get so much email. I got FP because I have a good page! I get emails from really high tech p ople! Hey! Don't do that again! I have your IP number, and don't do anything like that again PLEASE!!

Zoe aka Kelly - 06/22/98 17:13:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/2248
My Email:*Zoe's Dominique Moceanu Page*
Have you been to my page before?: Nope!
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: To wish you good luck in the Site Fights!


Good luck in the fights! I hope you'll visit my page if you have time!

Visit My Spirit Page!

Samantha - 06/22/98 02:10:25
My URL:http://www.eccentrica.org/Peachy
My Email:*P*E*A*C*H*Y*
Email: SMILEY3D@aol.com
do you use my graphics?: I just Not yet
why or why not?: I just started looking at them.
Do you like them?: YES
Have you been to my page before?: Nope
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I saw someone on someone's page you had made a banner for them and it looked pretty cool!

Hi. I really have enjoyed your page so far.I read your ME page and we have a lot in common. I can't beleive you are almost 13 and that tall. Does it run in your family? I am 13 and only 5'5 and that's pretty tall for kids around here. Keep up the good wor . Check out my page sometime. Samantha

SASS Headquarters - 06/18/98 07:10:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~abeLacourse/sas.htm
My Email:Students Against Student Shootings
Email: abe_1@hotmail.com


Please help stop school shootings by visiting this page!

Summer - 06/17/98 19:02:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/GreenStars
My Email:Summer's Web Page
Email: moonbeam_82@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: I am thinking of where I can
why or why not?: They are good...why else lol
Do you like them?: Yes
Have you been to my page before?: Yeah...second time I have signed then
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: Becasue we are in the same thing in the site fights and I always sign everyone's guestbooks

I am back again. Feel fre to delete this since I just signed it recently. But like i said i always sign everyone that is in the same group as me!! Couldn't pass you up! Great page as always!

Summer - 06/09/98 23:26:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/GreenStars
My Email:Summer's Web Page
Email: moonbeam_82@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: No
why or why not?: Well this is the first time i have been to your page
Do you like them?: Yes
Have you been to my page before?: No
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: Because I was singing people in the site fights guestbooks

I like your web page. In the site fights we are both at the same level just differnet teams(im in fight 1). Good luck on making it to the Wiard's Lair. I hope that I will see you there!! Come and sign my guestbook!

Amelia Steadman - 06/05/98 18:05:13
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/2100/
My Email:Amelia's Astros Galaxy
Email: astrosfan@rocketmail.com
do you use my graphics?: I will
why or why not?: theyre cool
Do you like them?: yeah
Have you been to my page before?: yeah
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: Its a great page

Cool page please visit mine & sign the guestbook:

Allie - 06/04/98 00:30:15
Email: noneofyourbusiness@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: cause
Do you like them?: yah
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: yah

hi *Lou* I love u'r page pictures cool and u cool ttfn Stupid Sue

Jenny - 06/03/98 18:43:20
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Backstage/8589
My Email:Spick's Place
Email: _spicket_@yahoo.com
do you use my graphics?: not yet
why or why not?: cause i won't to know if you would make me one
Do you like them?: of course!! ;-)
Have you been to my page before?: nope!
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: cause your a new comer in the fights, silly!!

Hola... I'm from Spick's Place, which is in Fight 2 right now. I was just crusin' thru all of the new comers sites. I'd usually just leave a message in someone's GB saying "Cool site!...blah blah blah..." But I'm serious this time. You must have spent forever working on this. All of your graphics are totally awsome!! I wish I knew how to program Java stuff, I need to learn. Maybe if I did I wouldn't be bugging you. Oh... I need a banner for my site, if you could make one for me I would really appre iate it! Look at me taking up all of this space. Well... Thanks for your help!


Sylune - 06/03/98 17:50:08
My URL:/~syscastle
My Email:Sylune's CyberCastle
Email: syscastle@geocities.com
do you use my graphics?: not yet
why or why not?: just found you ;)
Do you like them?: Yes


You've been visited by a DRAGON!!
I'm DAmethyst Dragon,
Proud to be in Darksbane,
I may look fearsome,
But I'm really tame!
I'm here to spread some Spirit,
From me to you,
And to wish you best of luck
In the Site Fights too!
If you're lookin' to vote exchange
Check out my site and then,
Send me an email today
And we can begin!

Fairy Psipsinele - 06/01/98 07:47:19
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/Fairy/Dfairy.html
My Email:The Realm of the Fairies
Email: markten@hkstar.com

Wwlcome to the Sitefights!

Sprinkle, Sprinkle magic dust,
Luck and hope, to you I cast,
Clap your hands, don't sneeze, just cheer,
For your fairy friend here !!!

You have been fairy dusted by Psipsinele, a Spirit Fairy from the Site Fights. Let the glittering dust float and cast it's magic spell all over your site.
~~**** ~~Sprinkle, ~~Sprinkle ~~ **** ~~

Let the cheers begin!! voice out your happy thoughts, cheers, or rhymes at SHOUT IT OUT for yourself and your team everyday. *Spread the spirit. dont forget to pass the spirit stick to your fellow Site Fighters ...it does magic. *Finally, I'm here to wish you goodluck !! may the "Spirit" be with you, here's a spirit stick to help you on your way...

* The Spirits * The Fairies *

DSpirit            DLight             DFairy

Shaggy79865 - 05/28/98 00:45:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/5628
My Email:Back to the Future
Email: Shaggy79865@yahoo.com
do you use my graphics?: I Wish I Could!!
why or why not?: Because they are real neat!
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: Because your page is neat!

Hey Lou, I'm a friend of MysticMan's! Your page is real neat! Cool graphics too!

Sandy - 05/24/98 15:26:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/6082
My Email:Deep Water
Email: greentopia1@yahoo.com
do you use my graphics?: some!
why or why not?: they are fab!
Do you like them?: of course
Have you been to my page before?: DUH! lol
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I love it!

This page is so tubular and fantastically brilliant mine is like a speck compared to yours! lol.. I think you are a brilliant person with many talents and you deserve the FP!You are also a great friend as well and I thank u for bein there for me!

Becky - 05/24/98 00:55:24
Email: RHedr57731@aol.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: I make my own
Do you like them?: YES!!!!!
Have you been to my page before?: YES!!!!!
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Lou, my heart, this made my day! I want you to know how happy I am for you, I know that you've worked hard on these pages. You are a very talented young lady, and I know that this is just the beginning! I'm so very proud of you and all that you have done ith these pages...can't wait to see what's next! Love ya always! Becky

Nick Best - 05/20/98 01:09:22
My URL:http://welcome.to/nickcity
My Email:Nickcity
Email: citynick@geocities.com
do you use my graphics?: Maybe..
why or why not?: I haven't looked all over the site yet!
Have you been to my page before?: Yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I can't remember when I last came...

I'm searching over all the Junior Leader sites. I really like the layout of your site Lou.

Audrey - 05/17/98 23:33:37
My URL:http://come.to/audreysworld
My Email:Audrey's World
Email: audrey@idigital.net
do you use my graphics?: No
why or why not?: Cuz I like to make my own!
Do you like them?: Yeah, they're fab
Have you been to my page before?: Nope
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: U told me your URL

You've done a great job on your site, and I really luv the unique features you have. It's clear to see that you've put a lot of effort into your page, so congrats! I invite ya to drop by my sites anytime you want to! Email me if ya wanna link up! :) P.S. Try checking out this site that generates money for ya just by owning a website! It really does work! :)

Audrey's World

To Usher, With Love

neenee - 05/15/98 00:26:59
My URL:/SouthBeach/Shores/2105
My Email:Freaky NeeNee's Place
Email: freakyneenee@yahoo.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: i've never been here
Do you like them?: yeah
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: an award winner led me here

the above url is my url please visit my page and if any one wants me 2 link their page i'd be glad to hook u up w/ a link on my page just e-mail me a url and title and i'll hook u up my adress is freakyneenee@yahoo.com cool page (owner-lou) thanx, neenee

neenee - 05/15/98 00:25:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/2105
My Email:Freaky NeeNee's Place
Email: freakyneenee@yahoo.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: i've never been here
Do you like them?: yeah
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: an award winner led me here

the above url is my url please visit my page and if any one wants me 2 link their page i'd be glad to hook u up w/ a link on my page just e-mail me a url and title and i'll hook u up my adress is freakyneenee@yahoo.com cool page (owner-lou) thanx, neenee

Avery Henderson - 05/09/98 23:48:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/cottage/3995
My Email:Munch's Mega Cool Page
Email: ahru34@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: Yes
why or why not?: Cause there cool. Wish I could make em'.
Do you like them?: Of course. Definetly
Have you been to my page before?: Yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: See the awards anmd graphics and to see if you updated your page.

You ahve a cool page Lou. Love the music. I would give this page an award if I could make em, but I don't know how, if I could.

Laneece - 05/07/98 01:40:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/2940
My Email:Pooh's home for and of animals
Email: therugrats@hotmail.com
Do you like them?: yes
Have you been to my page before?: yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: i wanted to see your page

great graphics keep up the good work

Borcth - 04/30/98 01:22:13
Email: borcth@galaxycorp.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: dont know about it
Do you like them?: yeah
Have you been to my page before?: nope
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: first time visiter

Hello Lou how are ya..im still unhappy about ashleigh *sad* bye

~puck~ - 04/25/98 19:04:56
Do you like them?: definatly yes
Have you been to my page before?: nope
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: because I think you are a really cool person


Mystic Man - 04/22/98 00:56:36
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Dell/5840/The_Mystic_Cave.html
My Email:The Mystic Cave
Email: mysticman9@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: Yes
why or why not?: They are great!
Do you like them?: Yes
Have you been to my page before?: Yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I like your page and I want to get more graphics when they come.

The page is great! So is the banner you made for me. Mystic Man

Mystic Man - 04/22/98 00:53:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5840/The_Mystic_Cave.html
My Email:The Mystic Cave
Email: mysticman9@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: Yes
why or why not?: They are great!
Do you like them?: Yes
Have you been to my page before?: Yes
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I like your page and I want to get more graphics when they come.

The page is great! So is the banner you made for me. Mystic Man

Krista aka AnnaBelle - 04/21/98 00:24:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/6446
My Email:Cross Section Between 2 pages
Email: youngwriter@rocketmail.com
do you use my graphics?: I might... :)
why or why not?: Most are pretty cool! :)
Do you like them?: Uh, huh!
Have you been to my page before?: Nope
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I'm checking out all the Jr Leaders pgs for fun. :)

Like the page!!! :) Its really neat.

- 04/14/98 22:08:05


John M. - 04/13/98 21:34:51
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Cottage/7715
My Email:EF Sage's Cottage
Email: efc-sage@geocities.com


This is a great page, I am impressed by your great artistic talents. Keep up the great work, I will gladly revisit to see how you're doing...

John M.

Visit EF Sage's Cottage !

Rick - 04/11/98 16:54:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5840
My Email:The Mystic Cave
Email: mysticman9@hotmail.com
do you use my graphics?: I will soon after this. I just finished at looking at your graphics.
why or why not?: They are cool esspecially the animals you can adopt.
Do you like them?: Yes
Have you been to my page before?: Once
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: Because your page was in my guestbook when you signed it.

Nice page Lou. And nice graphics. They are the best on the web. You should get this for a job if you can!

Adam Chao - 04/06/98 21:40:24
My URL:http://www.thepentagon.com/alkari
My Email:The Excremental Grounds
Email: supercow@usa.net
do you use my graphics?: noooooooo....
why or why not?: cause i make my own....
Do you like them?: they're great to uh, look at....
Have you been to my page before?: yeah, that's how i got to your guestbook!....
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: oh... i came to visit your page..... weeee.....

Nice graphix.

Raider - 03/29/98 03:42:11
My URL:http://www.raider.simplenet.com
My Email:Raider's Skate Page
Email: raiderfats@yahoo.com
do you use my graphics?: no
why or why not?: I don't know
Do you like them?: definitly
Have you been to my page before?: no
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I found your site through the Foxtrot Discussion area

Like I said about, I found your site through the FTDA as I was searching through very old postings. You should go back there sometime!

John - 03/22/98 01:57:52
Email: JohnT@SoftHome.net
do you use my graphics?: I used to
why or why not?: I used to use them because you are really good at graphics now I am trying to make my own
Do you like them?: Yes I love your graphics
Have you been to my page before?: Yes many times
Why did you come back? or why did you come?: I came back to tell you somthing the message below...

Hello, I could not get enough disk space for my download archive. So I decided to be partners with Sandy, and Make a huge graphics page. We are gonna have tons of stuff. We will not copy though we are not copying. I just wanted to let you know that I still think you are better then me at certain types of graphics....

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