Thanks to...

There are a lot of people that I'd like to thank for their help and support with this page.

Frank: My friend at school. He's helped me with a lot. I learned the basics of HTML from him and how to fix a few of the major problems. We're working on trying to get the stories up. I won't post them unless they're readable. You'll thank me for it, I promise.

The Parisites: You all know who you are. I saw your pages and it gave me the confidence to try my own. Thanks for being my friends, Girls (and Guys).

My Parents: I wouldn't be able to maintain this webpage if my Dad hadn't made some major upgrades to the computers in my house. Thanks, DAD!

My brother and fellow Ite, Anakin Solo, a.k.a. Yoda359: Thanks for all of your insights into the layout of certain pages. It helped a lot. Now I'll help you start *your* page.

Lauren Kelly: for being my friend and putting my stories up on her page.

Karen: Thanks for being a cool friend and sharing my interests in PR and K/B. I can't wait to read the story. Thanks for the encouragement and the compliments.

Cheile, the Gaelic Ite and my Cybertwin: Words can't express how happy I am that we met. Thanks for all the encouragement you've given me. You're very important to me, always remember that.

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Page Created: October 1, 1997.

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